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Warning: Heavy gore…

Between day and night in the woods where Microphone was at. She was laying on the grassy ground inside a bush. Her eyes were starting to open, and she was feeling a headache. Realizing the soft leafy leaves in front of her, Microphone screamed, and she was confused. After moving around inside the bushes gently, she managed to get out of it. Microphone took off the leaves on her face, and she sat down on the ground.
"Ah…what happened…my head?...where am I?" She knew something was wrong because her last location was at Paintbrush's house. Once she got up, screaming was heard and Microphone immediately went inside the bushes again. She was terrified and even more so when she identified the voice.

It was a female.

Now frightened, Microphone ran and tried to get out of the woods. Passing through every tree she sees, and tripping every time she isn't looking in front. Microphone was panicking and sweating from the run. She didn't know where she was or what just happened. That is until she came across a bad smell of rotten food.

"Ugh, what is that smell?" whispered Microphone, she was disgusted. Microphone tried to back away from the smell, but it was getting stronger. After stepping through the leaves on the ground, it was Taco on the grass, flat dead. There was a huge stick between her legs, blood bleeding through the grass, and her eyes were twisted. Taco, her shell body, and her toppings were rotting.
"So that's where the smell came from..." said Microphone, she was horrified and disgusted at the same time. She didn't like Taco but also didn't want her to be tortured and murdered like this. The fact of somebody getting killed, Microphone herself being left in the woods, and not being the only one breaking into houses. She knew something wasn't right, and continued to run away. While passing through the trees, Microphone saw something and found her way out of the woods. She stepped on the smooth grass and was back to the lonely roadway. She also happens to find a burnt house only to realize it was Paintbrush's.
"Oh my god! Paintbrush!" yelled Microphone across the burnt house. She stepped onto the wooden brown roof lying on the floor and went through the destroyed structures on the way. The smoke can still be smelled and given the fact that Paintbrush is made out of partly wood, it was hard for Microphone to find them. Unfortunately for her, after coughing for a while, she couldn't find her old friend. Once out of the house, she saw Cabby from afar. The file cabinet was far away from the house and even tried to distance herself from it. Microphone, confused, decided to check on Cabby since she normally doesn't live here. Nobody does, the field was empty like another landscape with one house. As Microphone was walking, she could feel the wind hitting her while getting closer to Cabby. Once she got there, she was shocked to see Cabby injured. Cabby had scars on her face, she was covered in dirt, and her eyes were watery like chocolate pudding.
"C-Cabby?..." stuttered Microphone.
"Hello, Microphone. You alright?" said Cabby in a slow, but raspy voice.
"Are you alright?! What happened to you?!" said the concerned microphone, Cabby turns away from Microphone in shame.
"I…It's…" Cabby couldn't finish her sentence, she was mortified.
"Cabby," Microphone reached her hand to calm her down, "It's okay. I understand. You don't have to tell me. I will take you home if you want to." Cabby looks at Microphone for a while, and Microphone just continues to hold her hand.
"Taco and I tried to help Paintbrush," said Cabby, still in her raspy voice. Microphone's jaw drops but tries not to show this to Cabby, so she covers it up.
"Really?...what happened after you tried?" The silence broke out, and Cabby just looked down at the grassy ground moved by the wind.
"They attacked us." Microphone was saddened by this, she was hoping this wouldn't happen, but after putting the pieces together, she knew this was it. Microphone hugged Cabby, and she hugged her back.
"I'm so sorry. Cabby…" said Microphone in a sad tone.
"It's fine. It's not your fault." More silence broke for a while until Cabby decided to let Microphone in on something.
"Here." Cabby shows Microphone the camera and a chip, she plugs in the chip to the camera, and it shows a recording. The recording shows Paintbrush from the other day in the less lonely neighborhood, and on the same day, they try to attack Bow. Even though the recording never showed them fighting, it did show them talking to themselves.
"So…Cabby. Show this to the police station. They will help. They may be slow, but it's better than nothing." Microphone gave back the camera to Cabby.
"What should I say?" said Cabby, she put away the camera inside her lower cabinet.
"Tell them someone in need is outside alone without supervision. Show them the camera as evidence, and hopefully, they will come fast. Leave now. Or else Paintbrush will find us eventually." Cabby slowly smiled at Microphone and backed away.
"Alright." Cabby left in a hurry while Microphone just stood there. Having that disgusting feeling inside of her, and feeling devastated about what death has become to others. The thought of it just made it worse for Microphone. She softly cried while staying in the same position.

"Murder. Murder. Murder." said Test Tube.
"Murder. Murder. Murder." said Test Tube again, not caring at all.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Test Tube was saying the same words over and over again. They were in the maze hidden within the woods near home. With the house now burnt into flames, Paintbrush was living in the maze. The maze was made out of bushes combined to create a wall, and it hasn't been cut for years. Paintbrush was laying on the ground crying while Test Tube was standing next to them.
"Come on. Painty. Just her." They tried to stay away from Test Tube by pushing their body and kicking the dirt, but she was getting closer and closer.
"No!!" Test Tube rolled her eyes and followed Paintbrush.
"Ugh, we've been here long enough. Why won't you listen?" Paintbrush then stops kicking and looks at Test Tube.
"No…" Test Tube raised an eyebrow and frowned in disappointment.
"Paintbrush. Do you even care about us?" They stopped crying and were breathing heavily.
"Huh?" Paintbrush panicking didn't matter to Test Tube since she continued to harass them emotionally.
"Do you even care about us?" Paintbrush stood up fast and moved over to Test Tube for a hug.
"I do!" They hugged her, but she didn't hug back, she just emotionlessly stood there.
"Then cut it out." Test Tube pushed Paintbrush which made them even more devastated.
"Okay." Paintbrush looked down and sat next to the bushy wall again.
"Murder her. Or else." Paintbrush covers their face, they didn't want to hear or talk about it.
"Please," cried Paintbrush. Test Tube stepped her foot down hard and this scared Paintbrush.
"You just lost us… Do you really want to lose us again and be alone for life?" Paintbrush then began sobbing but thought for a moment. They wanted their loved ones back, so they thought this was the only way.




Microphone wakes up in the woods, and finds Taco lifelessly laying on the floor. She escapes the woods in a panic and finds Paintbrush's house burned to the ground. There, she saw Cabby and found out that Paintbrush was causing trouble. She told Cabby to go to the police station since they were unresponsive on calls, and Microphone just stood there mortified. Meanwhile, Test Tube brainwashed Paintbrush to murder Bow as their plan.


Word Count: 1,238

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