Prologue | Riley

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The Next Step seems to never change, no matter how many people come through those doors. Everyone that comes in to this building make some sort of indent. Some last longer then others, some only stay for a moment
But everyone knows that they'll always be welcome here, no matter how long their time may have been

I've been coming here since I was 4 years old. My parents made the perfect decision when it came to putting Emily and I into dance
 We've both grown to new lengths, made life long friends, found a passion for something that wasn't mundane 
They gave us the creative output everyone needs

"There you are" A voice said behind me, I turned to see James walking in through the double doors
Tonight was the last night before he left for tour and I left for business school
After our loss at Regionals, I wanted to be able to improve that side to me while James goes and takes the world by storm
The same thing he's wanted from the moment we met 

The pair of us had been through more then you could count. From petty arguments, cheating, miscommunication. You name it, we've been through it. But we've always come back to each other at the end of it 

"Are you ready to head out?" He asked coming over placing a soft kiss on my temple as his arm wrapped around my shoulder
Taking one more look around Studio A, I nodded
Our time here was done..


James and I ended up in Parkour Alley after spending the evening with the remaining friends we had around 
Most of them had already moved on, it honestly felt a little like we should have done this ages ago. Like we were behind of them all
"What going on in your head misses? You've been staring into space all evening" James said as we sat down on the same bench we always did 

"Are we making the right choice?" I asked meeting James' hazel eyes, he was looking at me confused, like I just wasn't making sense
"If we do this, there is no going back James. We can't just come back here like nothing happened" 
"Riley what are you talking about? Tour is only a year and a half, you're only in school for two years. I'm pretty sure this place will be exactly the same when we get back" He chuckled but I shook my head giving him a look to show him I was being serious

"What is going on babe" He said moving a little close but I shook of his grip
If I let him in right now, I wouldn't be able to do what I needed to do 

"I think we need to break up James" I whispered looking down at my hands

In that moment, neither of us said a word
James stopped trying to get close, we just sat there in the silence
Letting it completely take us over
"Ri, I just got you back.. What is going on?" He asked softly taking a hold of my hands to stop my fiddling with my fingers
To stop me spiralling further 

"We're at a dead end James. I love you, I really do but all we keep doing is hurting each other" I whispered stroking the back of his hand lightly
"Maybe we need to take a step back, grow apart before coming back. This might not be the end for us but I'm scared that if we don't take this time.. the end will be nearer then we think" I said this time looking up at him
His eyes were searching mine like he was hoping they held the answer.. but they didn't 

"So it's a break? Not a break up?" He asked but I shook my head 

"It's a break up. We need to be completely cut off. You need to take any chances you have, let life takes it's course" I explained
"If we ended up back together then we do, but if we grow apart and stay apart.. That's okay too" I whispered softly cupping his cheek wiping away a single tear, one that I was sure I had a matching one

"We don't need to-" He started but I shook my head
"We do James, I love you and I've loved every second of being with but we're going down a dark road neither of us should have to go through. All we are going to do is continue to hurt each other and I love you too much to do that to you" I said 

"I love you too Ri but I don't want to do this without you" He muttered

"You're going to go on Tour James, you're going to travel to the places you have always dreamed off. You are going to make so many memories, so many once in a life time opportunities.. I'm setting you free to do that, I'm not going to tie you down. I'm not going to hinder this opportunity with the potential of my struggles" I continued to explain
"We're both going to use this time to grow, to better ourselves" I whispered stroking his choke

"2 years Riley.. 2 years then I'm coming to get you" James whispered before leaning forward pressing his lips against mine.. for the last time 

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