One | Riley

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I've said it before and I'll say it again
This place doesn't change
I stood in the hallway leading to Studio A looking over all of the photo walls. There is one for every competition that The Next Step have ever gone to whether they won or not. We have the Regionals, Nationals and Internationals we won while I was on the team but there is also the Regionals we lost when I was studio head 

These photos are of memories that feel like a lifetime ago but memories that I don't think time will ever be able to take from me

"Lookie lookie" A familiar voice said making me turn around faster then anticipated to see West walking in through the main doors heading straight towards me 
He also hadn't changed much at all. Same sort of height, looks like I wasn't the only one who stopped growing
"Riley" West smiled as he pulled me into a tight hug which I gladly accepted
"West" I chuckled as soon as we pulled a part
"Where have you been hiding out?" He asked but I shook my head
"I've been around" I shrugged

"After Business school I came back to the city and have just been around doing whatever I could find. What about you? I saw you and the boys travelled for a little bit?" I asked and he nodded with a wide grin on his lips

"Oh god we did, it was amazing but also very chaotic" He started throwing his arm around my shoulders as we walked towards Studio A
"Remember Internationals where Eldon James and I got lost fairly often?" West said making me laugh 
"Of course I do, who could forget that" 
"Well imagine that on a bigger scale. Plus we didn't have our favourite busy body to help us get out of the situation" He chuckled pulling me closer
"You could have called. I would have gladly helped" I said earning a smile from him before we were greeted by 8 other people staring directly at us 

"I think we are late Riley" West said earning sniggers from some of the other 
"What gave that idea?" I asked elbowing him slightly as we pulled apart being sucked into greeting with everyone else 

Everyone started to settle down after a few exchanges, I hadn't had the chance to say hello to everyone. There was one person here who I hadn't said hello to but I knew he was there
I could hear his signature laugh, his tone that he uses when he is genuinely happy. Something I hadn't heard in 6 years 

He told me 2 years and he would come and find me. I don't blame him for not following through but I also couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed
It was almost like he had given up completely on the possibility of us 
But I mean.. that was a risk we had to take 

"Right guys!" Emily confidently said walking into Studio A. She had bought the studio from Miss Kate a few years ago now. It was originally something she had done with Michelle but then Michelle left for tour, leaving it completely to Emily. She had had some help through out the time but even they had moved on at this point 
but this place truly was Em's home away from home

"Woah, you all did come back" she smiled looking at all of us individually
"Of course we did. This place was our home" Stephanie said making all of us smile
"This place is our home" I reminded her earning a nod from her and most of the others 

"That's why I called you guys. The place we once called our home, it isn't what it used to be" Emily said making all of us shift to look at her confused
"We were on a losing streak and have been for a while but it's at the point now nobody is wanting to put their kids into lesson's here. They don't want to be a part of the competition team" she explained frantically
"There is maybe 2 people wanting to audition for A-Troupe" She said, a few murmurs were heard in the room while everyone started chatting amongst each other 

"What are you wanting from is Emily?" James asked making me look towards him, our gaze caught for a second before I broke it to look back to Emily
"I don't know. I just need help to get it all back on track" She confessed
"We can do that" Michelle said offering Emily a supportive smile
"You think so?" Emily asked and we all nodded
"Easily" Stephanie said taking a step towards her 

"What could we do though?" Chloe asked a little hesitant to agree
"We could put on some master classes, a lot of people still want to learn from international winners right?" West suggested 

"Exactly, we can put on the classes, maybe do some performances around the city to spread the word too?" I suggested
"I know a few places that could work for that" James said looking over at me again

"Alright can we leave that to you two?" Emily said making me snap my head back to look at her with a small glare 
"Sure you can" James answered confidently.. 
At least one of us were confident about that answer 


By the end of the day it was safe to say we were all ready to go home. We had spent the entire day planning possibly classes, possible ways to break the losing streak they had at the moment
James has tried to approach me a few times but I had managed to avoid it a few times till he finally gave up for the day
But this was only the beginning really 

"Out of all the people you could have paired me off with Em, really?" I asked as we sat in her office with a takeaway. Everyone else had gone home at this point
"What's so wrong with it? You two didn't end up on bad terms Riles, it's not like you hate him" She suggested making me sigh 
"I don't hate him but-" I started before trailing off

"But it hurt when he didn't come back?" She asked and I nodded screwing my face up slightly at the thought

"Riley, you know I love you but have you take a thought to the face you could have also reached out to him but you didn't" She said making me look at him

"He wasn't the only person who didn't go looking after you finished school. Don't put all of the blame on him" She whispered taking another portion of food from the containers in front of us 

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