Six | James

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"Where is Riley going?" Stephanie asked as soon as Emily walked back over to all of us. Riley had practically ran out of Studio A moments before
Part of me had wanted to run after her but I wouldn't know what to do at this point
"She wasn't uh-" Emily started
"She wasn't feeling well" She concluded before turning to everyone else making sure not to look my way this time 

I briefly looked over to the doorway in the hope that Riley would walk back in but a small part of me knew that was not going to happen

"Have you told her what happened?" West asked looking at me, but that was the problem
Riley just thinks I left her in the middle of the night
And I can't tell her why
"No" I said before moving away from West and towards everyone else 

What happened was not West's fault, I could have woken Riley up and explained that West needed me without giving her the details he didn't want anyone knowing 
But instead I took the cowards way out 
I knew what I could have done but I also knew the reason I didn't do it..
I didn't know where Riley and I stood, I didn't want to come in and wreck her life and she certainly didn't want to come into mine and fix it 
We would ultimately end up on the same path we broke up to avoid 
How would that be fair on either of us?

I just made the difficult decision for the both of us this time around I guess 

"Alright man?" Eldon asked as I stood with him and Michelle. The pair of them talking about some sort of venue they want to check out
"sure" I mumbled before meeting Michelle's gaze

"Are you going to tell us what happened between you and Riley?" Michelle asked crossing her arms
"Nothing" I defended
"Oh really? You guys were making good progress and then all of a sudden after leaving a club together, she can't even stand to be in the same room as you?" Michelle argued making a very valid point 

"Michelle" Eldon said earning an eye roll before walking away towards Emily


"Hey Mum" I called into the house guessing she was probably the only one home right now
"Hey sweetheart" She smiled making it known she was in the kitchen 
"This arrived for you today" She said pointing to the small box on her dinning room table
"What is it?" I asked earning a shrug
"Emily dropped it off a couple hours ago now" 
"Emily?" I asked walking over to the box

As soon as I opened the box I knew exactly what this was. It was full of all the photos that had been all over Riley's apartment just days ago, there were a few t-shirts she had stolen over the years but the one thing that hurt the most was the promise ring I had given to her a couple months before we broke up..

"There was a letter too but she wasn't sure if you wanted to read it straight away? What is going on James?" Mum asked a little panicked
"nothing, I uh - I don't really know" I said looking through the box
"Where is the letter"? I asked making mum nod towards the counter where a small letter sat by the home landline 


I don't understand what happened between the pair of you but then again nobody even understood you two like you guys did
You have this push and pull on each other, one that we always thought would be a good thing but I think you're both at the point where you know it isn't 

I've watched the pair of you two grow up together, from being not being able to stand each other to watching a friendship blossom until it was something more
She loves you and I truly do not think she'll ever love someone the same as she loves you James 

The pair of you were amazing for each other, she taught you responsibility, maturity, she kept you grounded
Whilst you taught her a carefree nature, that not all plans need to be psychoanalysed. You helped her conquer some of her darkest demons 

You both taught each other how to love unconditionally

I don't know what possessed you to do what you did Saturday Night. I don't know why you left her like that 
But I don't think this is something she'll forgive you for this time 

She wanted me to take all of these things and destroy them. I've never seen her so set on something like that James. What you did is really hurting her

I still have hope that maybe something might be able to fix this so I didn't want this destroyed, so I trust you to do with it what you think is best
You can destroy it if you really think there is no chance
Or you can keep it safe for her until she is ready for you again 

Just which ever you decide to do.. Please don't hurt her again

- Emily'

"I've really messed up" I said placing my head in my hands dropping the letter onto the table
It didn't even take my mum a moment to come over wrapping her arms around me placing her head on my shoulder
"I'm sure you haven't sweetheart" She said trying to be supportive

"I have, you don't get it. She is never going to talk to me again" I muttered sighing turning to look at her
"Riley Mum, she won't forgive me this time" I groaned getting up walking back towards the box

"You and Riley have been through so much James, I don't think that this isn't something that you won't be able to get through. It's Riley, she loves you and you love her" Mum explained
"I know that but right now she doesn't think that. I left her Mum." I said earning a confused look
"She left for business school James, you both left each other" 
"No we aren't talking about then.. Mum I did something that even you would hate me for" I muttered slumping back into my seat

"I'm sure that isn't the case honey" She said joining me 
Guess this story is about to become knowledge to everyone.. Maybe this is what I deserve, everyone to think little of me after what i did 

"She isn't going to ever forgive me and I don't blame her at all"

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