Chapter 22

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Louis P.O.V

I was pulling out the chocolate chips and I didn't realise the flour bag fall. I heard a loud 'BANG' Then there was a white cloud of smoke. The cloud eventually drifted off and I spotted Sarah looking down at her self, mouth gaped open and laughing. She grabbed a fistfull of  flour. Smirking.

''Say hello to my little friend, Tommo'' She mimicked throwing the flour at me. I quickly ducked down and all I could hear was gasps. I turned around to find Harry with white curls. Sarah got him right in the face.

''You're gonna pay for that, PAYNE!'' Harry yelled chasing Sarah around the kitchen. Sarah slipped on the loose flour that was lying on the ground. Everything went silent until she started giggling like mad. We pulled her up off the ground. 

''This. Means. War, Styles'' Sarah smirked she grabbed Liam and I and pulled us upstairs into her room. Her and Liam nodded in aproval. What the heck was happening. They left me to sit here on the cold, wooden floor. They came back with a NERF gun each and one for me. They had walkie talkies, also with one for me, and they were loaded with the plastic bullets.

''What the hell are these for?'' I asked while Sarah and Liam put on their army styles jackets and put eyeliner on their cheeks. 

''We're going into war'' Sarah said pulling an army jacket over me and painting lines on my cheeks using eyeliner. I stopped her on the second cheek.

'Don't you dare put eyeliner on me!'' I demanded. Pushing her hand away.

''Oh Lou. Shut up, K?, Its..Um..Guyliner!'' She kept applying my eyeliner.We were ready. We were battling agaisnt Harry and Zayn. Betcha they don't have NERF guns, or army jackets, or walkie talkies or guyliner . They're going to look like complete twats. We had to make up names for our walkie talkies. Liam's was Daddy. Sarah's was Babe and mine was Boo.Don't even ask why we picked them names.

Sarah's P.O.V

We exited my room cautiously. Carefully looking for Curly  and Moe (our names we made for Harry and Zayn). We split up. 

''..BABE COME IN..COME IN...' Went my walkie talkie.

'' BABE IS IN....WHATS WRONG DADDY?'' There was no sounds for the next few minutes.

''This Is SexyCurles reporting for duty. Cinamon Roll and I have captured 'Daddy and Boo' We have hidden them somewhere in this very house. Enjoy your day MWAHAHAH'' God. Harry Styles can be one creepy person.

I was hunting for them. I would keep getting sounds of Harry's and Zayn's voice on my walkie talkie saying ''10 MINUTES! MWHAHAHA'' 

Then they'd count down. WTF Was going on?

I reached the recording studio. It was so big. They was a huge leather black sofa lining every single inch of the wall. The walls were red. They had they're albums in huge black frames. I was touching the instruments when all of a sudden the lights went. I was tackled to the ground. I could feel someone lying ontop of me. I tried to set myself free but they had there hands over my wrists. I could feel curly hair tickling me.

''Harry!! Get off me!'' I could feel their grip loosen.

''It's not Harry''


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