Chapter 28

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Niall's P.O.V

I could't sleep at all. The thoughts of her and Louis kept running through my mind. They're just friends, aren't they? Sure he has Eleanor. I couldn't take it anymore. I rolled Sarah over and crept out of bed.I was at the door when Sarah woke up.

''Niall? What..are doing?'' She sleepily asked.

''Just hungry, babe'' I lied. I really was going into Lou's room. She nodded and feel back asleep. I tiptoed down the corridor and into Louis's room. He was stretched out on his bed only in his boxers. I snook to the side of the bed and pulled the duvet off him. He shot up and grabbed it.

''Niall? What's wrong?'' Louis said rubbing his eyes and yawning.

''I need to ask you something, Lou'' I sat down on the edge of his bed and told him everything. He was shocked.

''Mate, I don't have feelings for her. She's my best friend, yeah, but nothing more. I have Eleanor'' He convinced me. I nodded my head and walked out of the room. I walked back into my own room and laid down on the couch. I checked my phone. 6:47am! God, this is too early. I tried falling back asleep but it wouldn't happen. I decided to go on twitter and scroll through my mentions. Too many desperate fans. I checked Sarah's twitter...NO I'm not a stalker! Just checking. I looked through her photos. The one of us in our onesies. Pictures of her with Liam. There was one of me when I was asleep. Wow! How'd she get that! I quickly replied.

@OfficialSarahPayne Just You Wait Baby..#IWillGetYouSomeday

I shut off my phone and closed my eyes.

Sarah's P.O.V

I woke up and to my suprise I couldn't see Niall.

''Niall?'' I called out. ''NIALL'' I started panicking. I ran into Liam's room. He wasn't there. I ran into Louis's room. He wasn't there either. I ran into Zayn's room. He wasn't there either. I ran into Harry's room. Nothing. I ran down stairs in a flurry and into the living room. Nothing. I ran into the recording studio. Oh my god! Where the hell where they? I ran into the kitchen. I spun around and ran back out. No one....wait. I walked backwards towards the kitchen. I reached the middle of the kitchen and turned on my heels to face them.There they were. Liam. Zayn.Harry. Louis. Niall. Sitting around the dining room table eating breakfast. A table full of bacon, sausages, eggs,toast,cereal, pancakes, waffles, and fruit.

''Mornin'' They chanted. Niall patted the chair beside him and winked at me. I strolled over to the chaqir and plonked myself down. I grabbed a plate and placed bacon, an egg, sausages, toast and a pancake. They looked at me in horror.

''What?'' I said with a mouthfull of pancake.

''You have more food than Niall'' I looked at his plate. He had a bowl of cheerios.

''So'' I shrugged and countinued eating.

''At least she's not anorexic'' Niall said swinging his arm around me. I snuggled into his shoulder and continued eating. I looked at Niall a few minutes later and all his cheerios were gone. His stomach rumbled. He snatched a piece of bacon from my plate and put half in his mouth. He held the other half out to me as if he was saying to eat it. I bit into it and he kissed me through bacon. we pulled apart and the other boys were shielding their eyes.

''Jees, that's enough PDA for today'' Yelled Zayn uncovering his eyes.Niall and I looked at each other and chuckled. He leaned over to me and whispered ''Tell them that were done and then we kiss and see what they do!'' God I loved his childness-ness.

''It's okay guys were done'' I said trying not to laugh. They took their hands away from their eyes and Niall planted a kiss on my cheek.

''GOD GUYS DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND ENGLISH'' Harry laughed throwing his napkin at us when him and the other boys walked out of the kitchen.


Hey Guys!!! Thank You Soooooo Fucking Much! 1,000 READS!!!! ILYGSFM

~Sarah x x

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