Chapter 53- Awaiting Alarms

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:-:Three Months Later:-:

"Don't you think it's been too quiet?"

Varian glances at me through his goggles but doesn't cease to keep working on his newest invention. "Yeah, for sure."

Pacing back and forth across the floor of Varian's lab, I continue to think out loud. "I mean, the last time we saw Cassandra was during the battle at her tower, and she hasn't made an appearance since? She wouldn't go down so easily."

I hear the familiar squeaking of bolts being tightened. "Yeah, for sure," Varian replies.

"She could be anywhere! Who knows what she's planning...for all we know, she could be assembling an army or something!"

"Yeah, for sure."

I sigh and step over to my boyfriend. "Are you even listening to me?"

Hearing my annoyance, Varian finally removes his goggles from his eyes and rests them atop his black hair. "Sorry, Angel, I'm just so close to finishing this alarm system! Once this little guy is complete, all of Corona will be warned when Cass shows her face in our kingdom again." Varian proudly gazes upon his creation and quickly looks at me for validation.

I stare at the monstrous metal structure before us. "I wouldn't call that 'little.'" I say in awe.

"Well yeah," He chuckles. "I call it, the Rooster. Clever right?"

I giggle a bit. "Very."


I'm fastening the final buckle on my leather boots when Rapunzel pokes her head in my door. "(Yn)? Are you coming?"

I glance my sister's way. "What's going on? Is something wrong?"

"Apparently the captain of the guard has an announcement to make, and he wanted everyone to meet in the throne room." She explains.

I feel worry bubble in my chest.  What if Cassandra returned? What if all of Corona is in peril? The endless train of 'what ifs' tumble through my mind.

I look over at Dandelion, who is sitting on her plush bed staring at me expectantly. Her big black eyes blink a couple of times, seeming to be asking me what's the matter. I kneel beside her and pet her fuzzy head. "Stay here, okay, girl?" I suggest. If there really is an emergency, I want Dandelion in my room where it's safe. The bunny nods her head and I smile in relief.

I quickly follow Rapunzel out the door, neither of us saying another word. We were both too on edge to converse.

As we enter the throne room, we find seats on the edge of a bench beside Eugene. "What took you so long?" Lance whispers rather loudly.

"(Yn)'s room is halfway across the palace." My sister shrugs.

Once we're seated on the bench, our father sends a nod to the Captain of the Guard, who is standing before the King and Queen. He clears his throat. "King Fredrick, Queen Ariana, as the Captain of the Corona Royal Guard, I have sworn to defend this kingdom against all who threaten it. But as a father, I cannot face my daughter in battle."

I exchange a glance with my sister, a hunch of what's to come already forming in my mind.

The Captain showily removes his golden helmet, a tried and true symbol of Coronian strength and pride. "...And so it is with a heavy heart that I retire from my post." He announces, confirming my suspicions.

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