Wells and Guilt

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Here is the second chapter. Did you like season 9 or did you want more from the end of the series?

Anna's POV

"Multiversal particles oscillate at certain frequencies of light. Allegra can control electromagnetic wavelengths." Nash explains to us how we can power the Fusion Sphere.

"So she can push the particles out of you and into the Fusion Sphere." Chester states.

"Right." Nash confirms.

"Charging a fuel source for the A.S.F.," Barry adds as we're all trying to understand where Nash is going with this.

"And we take all that kinetic energy, and we just transfer it to the track ring above us..."

"Giving Flash his groove back." Allegra finishes, and Nash nods with approval.

"Uh, just...just one thing." Chester chimes back in.


"Aren't multiversal particles a little too chaotic to be contained in a Fusion Sphere?" Chester asks.

"Yes, normally they would be, but Allegra can use her powers to contain the particles inside the Fusion Sphere from a safe distance." Nash explains.

"Chester has a valid point." I speak up.


"I trust Nash. I do. It's just we're all running on theory and acting on if this will be fact." I try and get everyone to understand. "There is a lot at stake here, and...we don't have time to make mistakes. There's too much on the line." I remind everyone.

"I trust Nash, and if he says this will work, then it will." Barry says. I nod my head since this will directly affect his getting his power back.

"All right, then. Ready?" Nash asks Allegra. Chester goes to the computer to start up the sphere.

The Fusion Sphere is...ready for particle insertion." Chester announces.

"Okay. Good?" Nash asks Allegra.

"Yeah." Barry and I watch as she pushes the particles out of Nash and into the sphere, but as soon as we think things are going our way, life has another plan.

"Guys... something's not right." Allegra tells us.

"What's happening?" Barry asks.

"The charge is dropping." Chester informs us.

"I can't hold it much longer." I see from the corner of my eye Barry rushing to Allegra's aide.

"BARRY!" I shout as he pushes Allegra out of the particle blast that sends him to the floor. I rush to my husband's side, but I can't bend down easily. "Ah..."

"Allen?" Nash and Allegra help me up as we worry if Barry will respond.

"Barry, you okay?" Allegra asks.

"Gideon run analysis." I order.

"Vitals are within normal range." Barry roans, and we all breathe a sigh of relief. Barry rolls over to look at us.

"Hello." Barry greets us in a French accent. "Qu'est ce qui se passe? What are you all doing?"

"What the fuck?" I mutter.

"Uh, since when do you speak French?" Chester asks Barry.

"Since always, no?" Barry gets off the ground.

"Why is he talking funny?" Allegra asks, and it dawns on me.

"Was this something we should have considered as a risk?" I question Nash, and his eyes widen as he comes to the same realization as me.

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