Fuerza and Psych

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I appreciate the support on this book. I can't wait for you all to read what I have planned.

Anna's POV

"I think I figured out how to track the thing that attacked us." Barry tells me. He pulls up a geothermic isotope map.

"You're using a spectrograph from the scene of the attack." I comment realizing where he's going with this.

"Right. There is a rare geothermic isotope that I reprogrammed our satellites to scan for. If we get a hit..."

"Then we can track our target." I finish and he nods his head. "Good work babe." Nora begins to cry. "Oh, I need to make her a bottle." I state and Barry gladly takes Nora into his arms.

"Come to Daddy." He kisses the top of her head and bounces her while I make her a bottle. 

"You've been at this all night." I tell him. "Do you want to take a break?" I ask.

I'm not gonna rest while that thing is still out there." Barry says emphatically. "Besides, with Ralph overseas for a while, and Frost still recovering..."

"Oh, I'd say she's more than just recovering." Cisco exclaims as he enters the lab with Caitlin not far behind. "Check out this frosty twist." Frost now walks in almost causing Barry and I to fall out of our seats.

"I know this is a lot to take in." Caitlin starts off.

"That's an understatement." Damian drops down from the ceiling.

"Told you, they'd freak." Frost says to Cisco who hands her money. Everyone moves to the lounge needing to understand how all of this happened. "So you remember when Mirror Monarch blasted me with her gun?" Frost asks us.

"Mm-hmm." We're still trying to follow this but honestly, it's not the weirdest thing that's happened to us.

"Well, ever since that blast, we've had these crazy headaches." Caitlin chokes on her coffee. "Last night, everything gets fuzzy. Caity passes out. And then we wake up...totally fine. But there's two of us." Cisco is loving every second of it.

"I've done some minor research and I found out that Eva's mirror gauntlet contained a reflective mirror chip which I theorize forced Frost's cryogens to rapidly replicate and create a whole new form so that she could survive." Damian explains.

"Minor research?" Cisco questions.

"It's more than you could come up with in twenty years. Your brain is so small you would have swiveled up and died before concluding that you're a moron!" Damian insults Cisco.

"So can you still hear each other's thoughts?" Barry asks.

"Nope." Frost answers with a smile on her face. "Just sweet, sweet silence. and I get to keep my powers." She boasts. I share a look with Caitlin who is obviously uneasy with this whole situation. "Caity got to keep the doctor stuff and science know-how which is fine by me."

"You have always felt like two different people. Now you just have two different bodies." Cisco comments.

"But don't worry. I'm gonna figure out a way to get us back together as quickly as possible, because I'm afraid the longer we wait, the harder it'll be." Caitlin states and Frost won't even look in her direction.

"I mean shouldn't we be focusing on that berserker who killed Abra Kadabra instead?" She argues.

"Cait, she does have a good point." I state knowing that as much as I support Caitlin in her efforts to bring them back together I also know we have bigger problems on our hands.

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