Family of Four

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Sorry for the long waits in between. I would rather take my time to deliver a decent chapter to you all instead of rushing it out just for the sake of it. I hope you all enjoy this update. I will be posting more chapters in this book so stay tuned.

Anna's POV

"Nora, this is your second home."  Barry explains to Nora who is asleep in my arms as we walk into S.T.A.R. Labs. "You may or may not have been conceived here." Barry whispers the last part.

"Barry!" I scold him.

"What she could have." I shake my head at my husband.

"You guys are here?" Cisco exclaims in surprise.

"We needed to make sure everything is somewhat normal." I answer. "Plus she seems to sleep better here."

"Really? Does she want to spend some time with her godfather?" Cisco holds out his hand but Damian comes out of nowhere and slaps his arms away.

"Like you would ever be the godfather."

"Dude! How..."

"I'm godfather aren't I mother?" He asks me.

"What? No can't be godfather to your own sibling." Cisco argues.

"Technically we are cousins and I'm fifteen years older." Damian argues.

"No, it's me. I..." Nora begins to cry.

"Well, neither of you is the godfather since you've woken her up." I tell them.

"Here Daddy is here to save the day." Barry scoops Nora out of my arms and he easily soothes her.

"Daddy? Really you're using that?" Damian questions Barry.

"I'm the dad, w..."

"Ooh, daddy please do that again." Damian mocks Barry.

"Stop it." Barry tells him but Damian continues mocking him.

"Both of you, my patience limit is low so cut the bullshit, and let's get to work." I scold him. We make it to the main part of the lab. "Any sign of Eva?" I ask Chester and Catiline.

"No, looks like Mirror Monarch is gone after you know..." Chester looks to Damian who is holding a blade mimicking slicing his throat. "You know k..."

"Since I killed the mirror bitch." Damian finishes for Chester.

"Um...yes that."

"Hey, guys, and there my adorable niece." Iris goes over to greet Nora.

"Damian, do you think what happened last night left you as a meta?" Barry asks.

"Not a meta just a spectacular human with super intelligence, agility, and well everything cupcake isn't." Damian insults Cisco.

"How did I ever think I missed you?" Cisco exclaims.

"Shut it bitch face. I watched you cry over me long enough to know you missed the hell out of me." Damian points out.

"You were watching me cry? That is an invasion of privacy!"

"I was stuck in the Mirrorverse being experimented on by Eva!" Damian fires back which shuts Cisco up.

"Sorry man that..."

"I never thought I would see you cosplay by yourself all scenes in Empire Strikes Back." Cisco drops his tablet.

"You little shit..." I hold Cisco back from attacking Damian. "Just let me hit him! Just one good hit."

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