Facing Your Fears

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Just being honest season 7 of The Flash is boring. Well most of the seasons are boring.

3rd Person's POV

"These rapids are hardcore." Frost comments on a photo of Caitlin. "Can Caity swim?" She asks out of concern. "What if...when she and I split, I got swimming and now she needs floaties?" She rambles to Cisco.

"No one's gonna need floaties, all right?" Cisco reassures her. "You two are gonna be peanut butter and jellied again by the time we tear up that river."

"Frost!" Caitlin yells out of frustration. She storms into the lounge area.

"Or not." Cisco whispers.

"The Firestorm Matrix has been sabotaged, only someone tried to make it look like it short-circuited." Caitlin yells.

"Before you go blaming Frosty..."

"I ran the adapter through an infrared scanner, and guess what the temperature was? 162 degrees." Caitlin interrupts Cisco and she lays her eyes on Frost who won't look up at her.

"Fine, I broke your stupid precious Matrix." Frost fesses up.


"Why?" Caitlin demands. "Why would you do that to us? It'll take weeks before we can even consider another fusion attempt."

"Because, maybe I don't want to recombine!" Frost declares.

"Why not?"

"Well..." Frost is lost for words to explain her actions.

"Call me when you figure it out." Caitlin stomps away. Cisco awkwardly clears his throat.

"You know, this actually reminds me of that scene where Rebecca and Jack are fighting..." The alarm goes off interrupting them. "Oh, look at that." Cisco breathes a sigh of relief to be done with this conversation. "Let's go, we gotta go." They run to the main lab where Barry, Anna, and Damian are.

"Satellites picked up Psych's isotopic signature downtown at the Clearly Capital offices." Barry informs them.

"Time to put those mental dampeners to work." Cisco states.

"And kick some psychic butt." Frost adds.

"Let's go bitches. I'm leading." Damian declares but he's unable to move from his seat. "What the hell?"

"You're not going anywhere." Anna tells her son.

"But mother, they will be lost without me." Damian argues.

"You just got back from being trapped in an alternate dimension. You're not leaving my side."


"Damian, listen to your mother. And we've got this." Barry assures him.

"You've got nothing!" Damian shouts as they use the extrapolator to breach to the sight. "This is not fair. You've never stopped me from helping out before."

"We still need to make sure you're okay before letting you just run out on the streets fighting bad guys." Anna cautions him.

"I've done far worse things than this."

"Damian, please." Anna pleads with her son and lets out a big sigh.

"I'm not satisfied with this decision. I will get my way mother."

"Hush." Anna tells him as they focus on the team.

The Clearly Capital Office lights are flickering and people cry out in terror. "5.3 trillion gone." One woman sobs on the floor. "It's all gone. Oh, God, I'm ruined."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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