Chapter 1- Who?

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Luke's pov:

I had heard about soulmates since I was old enough to understand words. It was comforting to know that somewhere across the galaxy there is someone for me. The divine theory of soulmates was that when every two people are created we are created as one person and then split up. It is our job go find the other half of our soul.

You start feeling your soulmate when you turn sixteen, its like a constant pull thats always there. It guides you in the direction of your soulmate and you often have dreams that give you clues as to who your soulmate is.

I always dreamed of this but now I am a Jedi. I cannot have a soulmate as its forbidden. If you don't find and kiss your soulmate eventually your soul collapses and you both die from heartbreak. Its morbid I know but its true.

And although this may sound like a problem for the Jedi, as we are forbidden to have any emotional attachments, but for some unknown reason the force stops our souls and our soulmates soul from collapsing but you will always feel that constant pull.

When I had spoke to Obi Wan about it he told me about his soulmate, spoke about how he pushed the feelings down and ignored them even though he knew he had found the right person.

When I had spoke to Master Yoda about it he spoke about how easy it is to turn to the dark side with a soulmate.

I yearned for a feeling of love that everyone else had but I was a Jedi now, I could not do that. I had learned to suppress these feelings and ignore them, whoever was out there for me would never ever meet me.

It had been two months since my father had died. I hadn't been staying anywhere really. I just flied from planet to planet hoping to find someplace to call home. I was getting exhausted from all this moving about I was beginning to see things out the corner of my eye like a glint and felt drawn towards the outer rim.

I had felt empty for all of my travels, only feeling like an empty shell being controlled by wires : a droid I suppose. Emotion had ceased to exist in my life and everything seemed blurry. I knew this is not how I should feel but I couldn't help it.

In my opinion, I don't think it was my head that decided it but I think it was my heart that decided to lie low on an uninhabited planet in the outer rim. I had dome some research on it and it was a rain forest planet that used to thrive with a lovely community but because they were a neutral planet they all got killed by the empire.

Now the only inhabitants were droids making sure its still habitable if there is any hope of restoring its native people.

I made sure to let Leia know I was alright and I would just be taking a break from well... everything, for a bit. She was more than understanding and hoped I found some peace of mind on this trip and I hoped so to.

Since it all happened I had began feeling a slight pain if I used the force. I had done hours of research but found nothing about what may be the cause of it. Additionally, I had meditated trying to reach out to someone, anyone, my father, Obi Wan, Master Yoda anyone who may be able to tell me anything.

I had spoken to Leia and she had said it was burnout, to quote her words she said, 'you've been though some terrible and traumatic things these past few months, we all have. Your body's tired it needs time to rest and regain its strength'.

So thats what this trip was for, to rest and regain my strength.Slowly, I saw the planet come into view and eventually I made to descending. It wasn't as wooded as I thought it was going to be but then again the empire did destroy a lot of it. However there were still healthy patches of grass, trees and nice ponds from what I could see inside my ship at least.

When I had finally reached the ground I sighed and opened the doors so I could finally get some fresh air. This plan was immediately foiled when a blast ever so slightly missed my head. I panicked reaching for my lightsaber at my belt. I promised myself I wasn't going to use it on this trip but it was a matter of life or death.

However, before I could even ignite my sabre, an armoured man jumped in front of me shooting at where the blast had come from. And he fought well.

However, he was firing at a person who was obviously inexperienced in combat. It wasn't really a contest of equals. I simply leaned against my ship, sabre in hand, ready to fight if necessary, but it appeared that he had everything under control.

Her bullets were more accurate as the assailant approached closer. Although it appeared that the armoured man was unharmed. To be fair though, I was just looking at the battle from behind. I was knocked to the ground by the armoured mans swift movement backwards as the assailant ran forward.

I didn't bother to get up I just watched the rest of the fight. Slowly realising who the armoured man was, I knew I recognised that armour. Bu the end of the fight he was standing over his attacker and then quickly shot her dead with his blaster.

Slowly he turned around to face me holding out a hand to pull me up, "You alright mate?"

I looked up at him, "Boba? Is that really you?" I smiled.

His head tilted to the side and he pulled his arm back a little bit, "Who the kark is Boba?"

1027 words
Yes I finished my last Dinluke story yesterday but I've been planning this one for ages and I really wanted to write it okay?!?!

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