Chapter 8- Clumsy

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Luke's pov:

All throughout the day I had been sneakily truing to use the force. Not anything bug of impressive but anytime Din turned his back I would try to move something a little to try and regain my strength. Even moving the odd bowl would partially wipe me out. I felt useless, without the force who was I really?

It was now dinner time ans we both sat across from each other with a bowl of porg soup. Considering these were all heat up meals they weren't too bad. While I was eating with my blindfold over my eyes Din asked, "Are you okay you seem to be a bit wiped out today? Is everything alright?"

Quickly I nodded, "Probably just the disturbances in the night. I don't know how you're holding up, I wake you up every time." I awkwardly laughed. Was that a good save? Is he onto me? No, probably not.

He hummed, "Jeez that rain really is coming down. With a pattern like that we'll be under it in two days." He said sounding slightly worried.

"What?" I asked in a bit of a blind panic. "Are we going to be okay?"

"We should be fine. It says that the rain should slow down a hit tonight. Im sure we will be fine." He reassured me.

Still slightly nervous I nodded my head.

"You know it looks really funny with you eating with a blindfold on. It looks like im holding you hostage." He joked as we ate.

"Sure feels like it with this rain." I replied, "Not that you seem like the type to hold anyone hostage though. You are too sweet." I smiled.

"Sweet?" He asked.

"Mhm, sweet." And I put another spoonful of porg soup in my mouth. "Sure your tough on the outside bur you have got a soft side to you. Its sweet." I smiled.

"Whatever you say Luke." He grumbled. I felt shivers down my spine when he said my name. I had become so distracted with that fact that I completely missed my mouth and dropped my soup onto my robes.

"Oh shit." I said, "Umm Din, do you have any cloths I could clean this up with?" I asked.

"Cloth wont do that any good. Best to give it a wash in the flood outside. The water looks pretty clean." He stated.

"But what about the poisonous fish?" I asked. I heard Din put his helmet back on and so I took my blindfold off.

"Oh they wont care for clothes and fabrics. As long as you stay seated in the doorway of the ship and don't dangle your feet in you'll be fine. They roam at the bottom and don't come up. You'll be able to out your hands in and you'll be fine." He said.

I nodded, "I'll go do that now before it stains badly." The soup has a very strong colour which I don't doubt will rub off on my robes if I left it any longer.

In a rush, I got up and down to the entrance of the ship, I took my robes off leaving me in my under clothes (A/N: I did not enjoy writing that sentence one bit) and opening the door.

Looking around me I did not spot Din anywhere and also because I was still a bit nervous about the poisonous fish, I attempted to use the force to wash my clothes. It was still a little strained and Hirt my arms but I was getting more used to it. I kept checking to make sure the soup was coking odd and surely enough it was.

I heard footsteps behind me and quickly pulled the robes back into my hand and jumped around. Oh no, he defiantly noticed.

Din covered where his eyes would be, "Oh my stars I'm sorry!" He turned his head around so he was not facing me, "I didn't even think that you wouldn't be in clothes, I'm so sorry. I mean it was pretty obvious though, what else would you be wearing. I'll just go back." And with that he rushed out in a little bit of a panic.

Out of relief I sighed. Thats all he had noticed. Not the force, not the lightsaber which I had lay down next to me. Just that I was in underclothes. He never fails to amuse me. He truly is priceless.

Eventually the soup came off and I only noticed minimal staining. I left it to dry and walked back through to Din who again, quickly turned his head away. I laughed, "Im wearing a tank top and shorts, its fine to look." I joked.

Slowly he removed his hands from his eyes and turned around hesitantly. When he turned around to see me in a normal amount of clothing he said, "Did it come off alright?"

I nodded sitting down going back to my soup which was now a bit ok the cold side, "Yep. Im glad I sorted it when I did, otherwise it could of stained badly. Those are my favourite robes, very comfortable."

Din nodded sitting across from me, he had already finished his soup, "Well thats good. Im going to start calling you klutz from now on." He joked.

I laughs with him, "Please don't."

He shook his head, "Oh no I will. You seem to he very clumsy to me." He said in a matter of fact tone.

I gawked trying to pretend to look offended, "How?! This is the first time I've done anything like this. Now your just lying."

He folded his arms, "Oh really? What about that time when I saved your life and you clattered to the ground almost immediately." He suggested.

I folded my arms too, "Excuse me? That was your fault when you came tumbling back while fighting your bounty. You knocked into me and pushed me down. Ergo it is tour fault." I replied looking smug.

I could just sense him rolling his eyes, "Sure sure, whatever makes you feel better Klutz." He got up beginning to walk past me.

I gawked and hit his arm.

1044 words

Ooooo there may of been foreshadowing in this chapter. There may not of been. Who knows?

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