Chapter 9- Flawed

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Luke's pov:

I was back in the endless white void again. No one was there though. Thats strange. Hesitantly, I began to walk abound to see if I could find anything (I didnt exactly expect to). Surprisingly enough though I did, I found a balcony, over a lake. The balcony wasn't connected to the room, it had beautiful sandstone pillars that looked like they had just been dumped on the ground. Bellow it was a stunning lake that went on for infinity, probably. I had never seen this before, why was it here now?

Standing on the balcony, looking over, was a woman wearing an elegant dress. She slowly turned around and smiled when she saw
me, "Ah Luke! I thought you would come see me sooner." My mother. Padmé Amidala. With a soft gentle smile on her face she said, "Come sit down. We have much to discuss."

My eyes began to tear up slightly. I had never met my mother (of course), I had spoken to my father in his final moments but never my mother. I walked across to her and sat on the ledge of the balcony just as she did.

This couldn't be anything to do with force ghosts as my mother didn't have the force. So what were these dreams?

When I sat down she said, "Look at you, all grown up. I'm very proud of you young man, and your sister. You both grew up into amazing people. I am very glad you got my genes instead of your fathers though. We can tell just by looking at your face." She laughed as she insulted my father. I could practically hear an offended younger Anikan Skywalker in the far distance yelling.

I laughed with her and smiled, "May I ask you something mother?" I said quietly and as gently as possible. I felt that if I spoke to loud she may disappear like the rest of the figures in my dreams.

She nodded, "Of course Luke. You can ask me anything." Putting her hand on my shoulder.

I looked around the endless white void and then back at the glistening river then asked, "What actually are these dreams? I wish to know."

"Have the others not told you?" She asked. I shook my head. She sighed smiling to herself, "Your father and Obi-wan am I right? Trying to make everything a learning experience, a lesson, a riddle. Especially Obi-wan. They did not need to though." She pulled me tighter into a hug, "These are soulmate dreams Luke."

I fell into the embrace more accepting that this would most likely be the only time I would ever get to hug my mother in my life. Sadness washed over me and I kept hugging her making sure she wouldn't let go.

"But... I'm a Jedi? Attachment are forbidden, why are these happening? They shouldn't happen! The force is meant to stop them!" I kept rambling on.

Politely but firmly, she shushed me, "The only reason the force stops these dreams is because the Jedi convince padawans thats what is meant to happen. Their brain then replicates that to make sure it happens." She looked out at the river, "Luke, you are exhausted, mentally and physically. The force cant do that anymore. While you regain your strength the force is, as you could say, on standby. Thats why these dreams are happening now."

I looked up at her, "But... I am a Jedi. I cant have the attachments like a soulmate."

She frowned softly, "Do you really believe that Luke?" She asked.

"Well yes of course. Its what Master Yoda and Obi-wan said. No Jedi can form attachments as it can create anger which could turn you to the dark side. Just like Dad." I pleaded. I didn't understand and at this point I didn't know if I wanted to understand.

"You are very smart Luke, yet so naive." She held my hands as she spoke to me, "Your father turned to the dark side because the Jedi order wasn't all good."

To say I was a little bit shocked was an understatement. What I had read of the Jedi order talked about how amazing it was.

She continued, "Don't take this the wrong way, Obi-wan is amazing, but he was not ready to be a mentor after Qui-Gon died. Anakin learnt the ways of the force and how to use it in combat but not how to manage and control his power. Your father was a padawan at the time of the clone wars, he was not trained to be a Jedi like Master Yoda, Mace windu of any of them, he was trained to be a soldier so they could win the war."

I had never thought of it this way but she was making a strong argument.

"He yearned for power and control because thats the way the Jedi had taught him. But that is wrong in the eyes of the Jedi apparently. He was put on showcase as a bad example and made a mockery of by the Jedi order but never left because he idolised it far too much. Thats what makes other force wielders like Ashoka Tank so strong because they learnt to walk away from things which they did not agree with."

"Im not saying your father was all good but what I am saying Luke is that your ability to empathise and love someone does not make you a villain. Your love will make you stronger Luke. Your love will make you balanced."

"I- I don't know what to say. Please, how do I find my soulmate mother?" I pleaded.

She smiled, "You have already found him Luke." She began to fade (a lot slower than Obi-wan did), "Please think about what I have said Luke. I love you to Coruscant and back." She smiled.

"I love you to!" I shouted back as she finished fading away. I stayed sitting on the ledge for a little bit waiting for my nightmare but none came.

I pressed my eyes shut and when I opened them I was back in Din Djarins bed (A/N: not like that you perverts) and could see the light shinning through my blindfold.

I got up walking into where he was and saw him preparing breakfast, "How are you this morning? You didn't have any nightmares last night did you?" He smiled as he stirred the pot.

Oh. Oh.

1160 words

Whoaahhh maybe he's not clueless now, but this fic is not close to being done :) (evil smirk).

Also I may of just wanted to wrote this chapter to explain why I think Anakin turned to the dark side and how flawed the Jedi order is. I could of gone into more depth but I don't think this chapter would of been under 4000 words if I did that 😭 I may dislike the Jedi order just a tad.

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