Chapter 12- Coruscant and back

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(A/N: I feel like it needs to be said that I actually feel sick at romance and public affection but I write this kind of shite. I did cringe a bit writing this chapter. Enjoy! I love you <33)

Luke's pov:

Finally, after many days and nights the rain stopped and eventually evaporated. It was now a very hot day and the sun was blaring down on us but both me and Din were working on fixing his ship. It originally was only going to take about a fee hours to fix but because of the heavy rain, those creatures and me partially crushing parts of it when I was lifting if up , if aas going to take a bit longer than that. Like one to two days longer that.

I had grown a lot more comfortable using the force around Din and he seemed amazed anytime I did. To add to this, Din had seemed to grow a lot more comfortable not wearing his helmet around me and oh my stars. Maybe its best if he keeps it on so I can concentrate because, wow he is beautiful. I had helped make sure his wound healed properly and the scar made him look bad ass.

We were fixing the engine together and Din said, "You know that bounty I was hinting did a number on this but I am going to be blaming your magical mind powers for most of this." He said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes, "Oh I'm sorry, would you like a slightly more damaged ship or to be dead at the bottom of a lake with fish nibbling at you?" I asked sarcastically.

He hummed while he considered it, "Hmmm well I do like my ship-" he started. I used the force to quickly throw a spanner at his chest. "Hey!"

"Say that again and I'll throw it at your head." I threatened. I was going to originally but then remembered he was still recovering from being scratched in the eye but those creatures (which I never found out the species by the way).

We worked in silence for a bit longer then he said, "You know you don't have to help me with this right? Your still recovering from... force overload?" He doubted himself as he said it. I burst out laughing. I had taught Din a few things about Jedi's and the force but he still didn't fully understand it.

I was still laughing when I said, "Force- force overload?! Oh my stars Din Djarin, you are priceless." I pulled him in to me, "Im helping you because I want to." And I kissed him. My experience with kissing was like Din's experience with Jedi, none. Although he and taught me a few things.

He slowly pulled away and then said, "Thats lovely Luke but I don't want you to pass out again like the other day when you tried to cook for me." He laughed.

"It was hot okay? I was still recovering from what you called a force overload." I joked, "In fact." I put the back of my hand to my forehead, "I think... im going to..." and pretended to faint im his arms.

"Luke?" He asked in a concerned tome, "Luke?! Are you o-" I burst out laughing standing up. "You were faking." He said trying to act unamused, "Don't do that again!" He smacked my arm, "You really scared me then."

Time skip brought to you by my lack of sleep so I can finish this fic.

Two days had gone by and Din's ship was fully fixed, he was planning to leave tomorrow. I was planning to stay here though. I had told him about my plan and he was perfectly fine with it but I wasn't though. I didn't want to be without him and that was the problem, the Jedi way was still in my head.

We were both walking to my ship that I hadn't seen it a few weeks now, so I could get my things. I was going to go by myself but Din wouldn't let me in case I... died? As we approached the ship I covers my mouth. It was demolished. The wings were partially if not completely broken off, the windows were smashed and it was sparking.

I looked over at Din, "I think I may have to come with you Din?"

"But what about you staying here and the plan to meditate and all that?" He asked.

I knew just how to mess with him, "Oh do you not want me there?" I asked trying to sound hurt.

His eyes widened, "No I just thigh that-"

I laughed and punched his arm, "Im just fucking with ya'. I want to come with you because I want fo get the Jedi orders traditions out of my head. The only way I can do that is by breaking them." I leaned into him, "And I want the first one I break to be for you." And kissed his cheek, well helmet, he put it on in case we were attacked by those creatures.

"Thats... sweet I suppose." He smiled, "I would love to be the one who you break the Jedi traditions for." He pulled me in close as we walked back through the endless forrest and back to his ship. I had one small bag that hadn't been completely destroyed in the wreckage in my hands.

It was nice to see the outside world finally, I lived Din's ship but not when you had to live in it for almost two weeks with no fresh air. I have no clue how he does it.

As we were walking through the rain forrest Din immediately stopped walking. It took me a few seconds for notice but when I did, I stopped and turned to look at him with a concerned face.

He took his helmet of placing it on the ground and began twiddling his thumbs. "I was wondering if maybe you wanted to, at some point, exchange vows and have a nice private ceremony and have drinks and festivities with family and friends?"

I stood there a tad stunned, "Are you just describing marriage into Mandalorian culture to me Din?" I asked slightly amused.

He nodded, "How did you know?"

I smiled, "Well I do know a bit more about Mandolorians than you do Jedi so... And yes, of course I do." He smiled in relief and swiftly pulled me in and kissed me. He held me close as he smiled.

"I love you to Coruscant and back Din."


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