Chapter 10- Die without...

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Luke's pov:

I had now been with Din for... how many days? And it had taken me so long to realise he was my soulmate. My mother was right, I an naive. I couldn't though, despite my mothers lovely monologue, I still had it burned in my brain that attachments are bad and my brain intended to stick to that.

"You alright Luke?" Din asked.

I must of spaced out thinking about it all and quickly said, "Yes! Im fine. My dream was quite... pleasant actually." I tried to swiftly change the subject, "You don't have any communications I could use, mine aren't working and I would like to contact my sister if thats okay." I asked trying to find away to get away from him in a way that didn't sound rude.

"Oh... yeah. Go into the cockpit, its on the left, you should find
it easily." He said. Did he sound... disappointed? I tried not to dwell on it and walked through to the cockpit.

I sat in the left chair finding the communicator and contacting my sister. I soon saw her hologram, "Luke! Its been too long since you have contacted me! I was getting worried."

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah yeah yeah. Listen," I hushed my voice to make sure Din wouldn't hear, "When you were having soulmate dreams, was there ever a white void at the start of them where you would talk to someone?"

She nodded looking a little bit confused, "Yes of course. Thats a standard for all soulmate dreams that everyone has. They supposed to prepare you for when you actually meet your soulmate. Are you okay? Why is this-"

"So they are actual soulmate dreams. Leia, the guy Im staying with is my soulmate... I think." I whispered.

She gasped slightly, "Really? Aww thats kind of cute. He's like your night in shinning armour saving you and then like your soulmates. Its like a story book."

"No not cute! Not cute! Im a Jedi, I can not have any attachments. But oh my stars, he is just so... perfect." I sighed thinking about Din.

"Luke, have you spoken to mother yet in these dreams?" She asked. I nodded. "She spoke to me about the same thing. You can not live your life without love Luke, please. Most of the Jedi who 'didn't have attachments', they did! Also, the Jedi order is gone Luke. Its time for a change, its time for something new.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes! Luke, you are amazing and don't deserve to die lonely because of what a few old books and two old men told you. You need love. Im sure that mandolorian would agree." She said.

"Thank you Leia I will-" I felt a crash and the ship shift a bit. I jumped startled and Leias hologram glitched off.

Din rushed into the room, "Luke! I don't mean to alarm you but I will anyway. Some creatures
On this planet really don't like us. The rain was gotten worse and these creatures are trying to push us into the flooded lake. We will drown!" He warned me in a blind panic.

I rushed and got up making my way into the main body of the ship. The ship was rattling slightly and slowly moving towards the lake. I could hear banging above is and in the windows I could see creatures pushing the ship and clawing ay the windows. I turned to din, "What do we do?"

"We could try and fight the off I suppose" Din suggested.

I nodded, "I think thats what we are going to have to do." I couldn't use my lightsaber, no way, I had to find something else. "Should we get some blasters from the hanger?" I asked.

He nodded, "Yes!" And we ran to go and get some. He picked up a blaster and chucked it at me and then got one for himself.

He leaned out one of the windows trying to shoot the creatures. I did the same but to no in vain. These creatures dodged perfectly and then smacked the gun out of my hands.

I pulled my whole body back into the ship not knowing what to do and then seeing Din with a huge scratch down the middle of his face. His FACE?! I panicked looking away, "Oh my stars I'm so sorry." Im not going to lie he is extremely attractive but I didn't have time to think about that right now. We were going to die.

He groaned, "Its too late now. Might as well look at it." Hesitantly I turned around and faced him. Be put his hand up to the gash on his face, "These creatures are too stubborn. I don't know what to do."

There was no way we were getting out of this if I didn't at least use my lightsaber. But then he would find out? "Oh fuck it." I pulled my lightsaber out of my belt not igniting it yet and began to climb out the window.

"Luke what are you-" once I got up onto the wing I ignited my lightsaber and began to fight off and kill these creatures. "Oh my stars." He said in awe.

As I was fighting them it became harder and harder as I grew weaker and weaker. The heavy downpour of rain certainly wasn't helping either but soon enough Din had gotten another blaster and was helping me kill these creatures as he blasted them through the windows.

There seemed to be more and more coming and it felt like it would never end. Eventually however, I fought the last one and impaled it with my lightsaber right through the heart. I climbed back through the window and was met with Din looking at me like I was an alien.

"What are y-" but he was cut off when the ship abruptly shifted again.

"No time to explain. I shave magical powers basically. If I don't use these magical powers to keep this ship up we will die." I rambled quickly. I shut my eyes and reached my hands out slightly. This isn't hard, I'm only sifting a ship a little bit to the right.

I poured all my concentration into keeping this ship from sinking. Nothing was happening. Not now, please force you can not work anytime but not right now. Din's life is in my hands, I cant let him die because Im too weak to use the force.

I thought back to something my mother had said and I heard her say it on repeat through my head, 'Your love will make you stronger Luke. Your love will make you balanced'. I thought about Din, my soulmate, and how I couldn't let him die in such a tragic way. I remembered my dreams that I had seen, I couldn't let him die without comfort. I couldn't let him die without love.

I couldn't let him die.

With all my strength I screamed as I pulled the ship back up. I felt it rest back on land and sighed in relief. I looked around and the world was spinning, I saw Din rush over to me and scream, "Luke!"

But then the world went black.

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Yk like the power of friendship. Thats like the power of love or something. Also ship and shut keep auto correcting to shit so if you read the word shit at any point this chapter I am very sorry.

Unpredicted encounter ~ dinlukeWhere stories live. Discover now