The fun is over.

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(Eva's Pov)

Monday morning came faster than expected, today i was going back to my Mum, i had missed her so much. On Sunday, Louis and Zayn invited their girlfriends round while they went out. We pranked the Boys, did our makeup and Hair and watched Disney movies. Then we all went to the cinemas,  men with big camreas flashing pictures of us all the time. After that we went back to their house and roasted marshmellows. This Weekend was the best days of my life.

It's a shame to leave it all behind, all the memories.

The only good thing is i get to see my Mum again, hopefully she hasn't missed me too much. "Eva!" I heard Louis regonisable voice shout from downstairs.

I pulled my pink converse on and skipped down the stairs, all the boys were stood in a line, a sad smile playing on their lips. It was obviously a fake smile, it looked more like they were in pain. 

Stood beside them was a tall woman, with a tight bun scraped in her head, she looked like the sort of woman you wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of. 

What was she doing here?

"Ah, You must be Young Eva" She said, her voice strong and loud. "I am Miss Clare from the childrens home, you will be coming to live with us for a while now" 

As soon as those words left her lips my jaw dropped to the ground, I thought i was going back to Mum not some horrible woman. 

"I am NOT going to live with you, i am going back to my Mum" i practically screamed in her face. 

She looked taken aback as did all the boys, they hadn't seen this side of me before. Tears streamed down my face as she got handed my suitcase. 

"I'm sorry Eva but you're not, You are coming with me. Go grab the rest of your things and we will be off" she said, looking down at me. 

"Why?" i said looking at the Boys, Wiping a few escaped tears off my cheeks.

None of them answered, Louis pulled me into a hug letting me cry onto his shoulder. "I am going to miss you so much Eva, we are going to try visit you every weekend ok" He said, drawing small circles on my back. 

I hugged the rest of the boys, each of them telling me how much they loved me, before i felt the horrible womans hand pulling me away from Harry's arms. I quickly grabbed onto him tightly, not letting go. 

"Eva, come on" Miss Clare said, trying to pull me away from Harry but i held a tight grip.

"No!" i screamed, suddenly my arms were pulled away from Harry and i was carried into a big car. As soon as Miss Clare shut the door, i tried to open it again only to find out she had child lock on. 

I screamed and kicked the back of her chair as hard as i could, as we pulled away from the Boy's house, i can't believe they were letting me go with this woman. 

Soon we pulled up at a large white house, Miss Clare opened my door but i didn't climb out. I kicked her, another Man came out who obviously worked here and dragged me out of the car. 

"Look Eva, This is where you are living whether you like it or not so stop the screaming and kicking" Miss Clare ordered, I mimicked her as soon as her back was turned. 

Stupid Woman..

I followed her into a large room with several children running around crazily, all stopping when they saw me. "Everyone this is Eva, she is new here so everyone make her at home" Miss Clare bellowed out to the whole room. "Oh and Eva, your room is straight up the stairs onto the right" She concluded. 

As soon as she left the room, everyone carried on as if i wasn't there. I tried to talk to a little girl but she pushed me away, Another boy tripped me up and Someone else bumped into me on purpose. I decided to leave the room of horrible children before i started crying. 

I climbed the stairs and walked into my room, to find a young girl sat there waiting for me, a smirk playing at her lips. 

"Ahh, You must be Eva then" she snarled, Her blonde hair dangling beside her. "If you touch anything of mine you are dead got it?" she said standing up and pushing me out of the way. 

As soon as she left the room, i burst into silent tears. Everything was perfect yesterday but today my life had turned upside down. 

How long is this going to last...

(Niall's Pov) 

It was finally Saturday, on Monday me and the rest of the guys moped around not wanting to do anything. After Eva left the house felt empty, Every time we went out people were continously asking where Eva was but none of us answered. It only made us more sad, talking about her. 

"Hurry up boys, we are going to be late!" Liam shouted from downstairs, we all ran downstairs quickly jumping into the car outside.

Today the atmosphere had changed, we were all happy again. Louis was back to playing pranks on everyone and back to his normal crazy self. 

"They call me you know. They said Eva has tried to run away three times this Week" Zayn annouced,  poor girl. 

"I really hope she is ok" I said sadly, holding a few presents we were going to give to her today. 

"Guys we are here" Paul said from the drivers seat, we all jumped out of the car to see a large white house stood infront of us. 

We walked through the door to see a small baby on the floor, drawing on the wall in black marker. A woman about 25 quickly came over and picked him up off the floor. 

"Hello, are you here to visit someone?" She asked, placing the baby on her hip.

"Yeah we are here to see Eva" i annouced, her eyes lightened up.

"So you're the boys Eva has been non stop talking about" she said. "Come with me" 

We followed her through the house, a few gasps were heard as we past a room with several kids in. Finally the woman opened the door, which i was guessing was Eva's bedroom. 

"Eva you have visitors" She said, Eva's small body turned around to look at her, her eyes were filled with pain and saddness. "I will leave you to it" The woman said leaving us with Eva.

We all expected her to run up to us or something but she stayed put, turning back around again, something was up. 

"Whats wrong" Liam asked walking up the her, she flinched as he went to hug her. 

"D-Don't touch me" she finally said, her voice braking though her sentence.

"Eva, whats wrong?" Louis asked, also sitting beside her. 

She was all hunched up in a ball, not letting any of us touch her. She lifted her arm up, grabbing a small notebook. As her lifted her arm, her sleeve fell abit revealing a large bruise on her arm.

I ran over and pulled back her sleeve. "Don't Niall" she screamed. 

"Who did this?" i asked, the anger bubbling up inside me. 

"No one, i fell over yesterday playing outisde" She said pulling her sleeve back down again. 

Relief washed over me, i thought someone was hurting her..


(A/N- I can't believe how long it has been since i last update, i am really sorry for that but its a really important year at school and i have lots of exams and coursework, so sorry. I will try update again this week or next. BTW this chapter is pretty sad but don't worry it will be happy again soon, yay, I am sorry if there is any mistakes, i am going to edit them all when i have the chance. OK byeeeeee :)))

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