We need to ring social sevices

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(Louis' pov)

"STOP THE CAR" i shouted, i had forgot to lock the door, anyone could walk in now. The guys all groaned and looked at me, we were already late for the interview.

"We need to go back, i promise i will be 2 minutes" i said. Harry groaned but turned the car back round, he parked back up and i ran out of the car. I noticed the door was adjar, crap someone was in our house. I tip toed into the house when i heard movement from the kitchen, i grabbed the nearest thing to me which was a mop. What was i going to do? Mop them to death?

I laughed silently, i am too funny. I finally tip toed towards the kitchen to see a young girl about, 6/7 stuffing our food into her bag, what was she doing?

Her hair was all knotted and her clothes were all ragged and dirty. I didn't know what to do, so i stood there watching her. She turned around and dropped her bag on the floor, she obviously wasn't excepting to get caught. Just then Harry, Liam, Niall and Zayn walked in and all there mouths dropped.

"Who is she and what is she doing in our house?" Niall asked. I shrugged my shoulders, the little girl started crying.

Zayn walked up to her and bent down to her height."Why are you in our house and whats your name" he asked.

She looked down at her feet. "Eva and i was hungry" she answered. If she was hungry why didn't she just ask her mum to get her some food?

"You can't just break into peoples houses when your hungry, where is your mum?" I asked. She shrugged her shoulders.

"Where is your home?" Liam asked.

"I don't have a home, i live on the street" she answered. i felt really sorry for her now, no wonder she was starving. I went over and gave her a hug and the rest of the boys joined. We all introduced ourselves, she looked very sad. We need to ring social services.

(Eva's pov)

Louis and Liam went in a different room, i heard them ringing someone. Niall came over to me. "Are you hungry Eva? I sure am" he said, i laughed and nodded.

He walked over to the cupboards and pulled out some bread, he got out loads of other different food i have never seen before and put them in the middle of the bread, what was he doing. He made 5 of them and passed me two, was i meant to eat this?

"What is this called?" i asked Niall. He stopped eating and looked at me.

"You don't know what a sandwhich is ?" he asked shocked. I shook my head, was i meant to know?

"Well it is called a sandwhich, eat up Eva" he said biting into his sandwhich again. I bit into mine and the flavours burst inside my mouth, it was AMAZING! I carried on eating faster, Niall laughed when he saw me.

"I guess you like it then" he said and i laughed, i like him. The other guys were now out the room, i could hear them talking to someone on the phone. Just then they all walked back into the room staring at me.

"Niall come here" Louis said, Niall walked over to them and they walked back outside the door. This time i ran near the door to listen in, i could hear everything they were saying. "We tried to ring social services but they are closed for the weekend, we can't just throw her out on the street, what are we going to do?" Harrys voice said. They had phoned social sevices, i am not going back to that place.

"Why don't we just look after her for the weekend and then call the social sevices again on Monday?" i heard Niall say.  I heard shuffiling so i ran back to the kitchen and sat down on the chair.

They walked back in with smiles on their faces, i wondered if they were going to get rid of me. "Eva, How would you like to stay with us for the weekend" Liam said, i nodded running up to them and hugging them all. They laughed, finally i wouldn't be freezing outside.

"First you may need to take a bath" Zayn said. Bath ? Whats a bath?

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