Theme Park.

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(Eva's pov)

We had just finished the interview and shopping, i was now wearing my new clothes, i didn't like them at all. They were much to fancy for me to wear, i was used to wearing old clothes that weren't even mine. These clothes which i was wearing now even smelt funny.

"Eva why are you smelling yourself?" Zayn asked looking at me.I shrugged my shoulders, they must all think i am really weird. I am not going to lie, i am pretty weird but i didn't want these guys to know did i? I felt my eyes lids get really heavy and before i knew it they were covering my eyes.

"EVA? EVA? Where are you?" i heard my mum shout. I tried running towards her but it got me no where, "MUM ! I am over here!" i shouted but she couldn't here me. She walked around going up to random people and asking if they had seen me, she must of thought that i had got kidnapped, Everyone She started crying and sank down to her knees.

"Eva" someone was really saying my name now, i opened my eyes to see Liam calling my name. We were still in the car, relief washed over me, it was only just a dream. "You were screaming and kicking your legs around, we got really scared" He said. "Its ok, we are home now" 

I struggled to keep my eyes open let alone answer his question, suddenly i felt someone carry me and lay me down on a bed. 

(Zayns pov)

"Zayn" i felt someone shaking my shoulder, i opened my eyes to see a half asleep Eva rubbing her eyes.

"whats wrong Eva?" i asked tiredly looking at the clock, it read 1:03am. I sighed.

"I can't sleep, i aren't used to sleeping in a comfy bed. I am used to sleeping on the floor and i had a really scary nightmare. I'm scared" She said.

I felt this pang of sadness run through me, this poor girl has been sleeping on a concrete floor for so long that she had gotten used to it.

"Do you want to sleep in here with me? I'm sure the monster in your nightmare won't come and get you if i am here" i said while she climbed into my bed with me, i felt her ice cold feet touch me making me shiver. I noticed her breathing got slower and louder and knew she was fast asleep. Soon i felt my own eyelids close. 


I woke up to see Eva laid on the floor fast asleep, i guess she changed to the floor after all. I climbed out of the bed trying not to wake her up.

"Mummy" she suddenly shouted sitting up. I jumped out of my skin from her sudden outburst, i made no noise at all and she woke up. I guess she was used to being alert when she was sleeping, living on the streets and all.

"Its ok Eva, its only me" i said bending down and picking her up. She was the lightest little thing in the world and was so skinny i could feel all of her bones. She needs to eat to get some meat on them bones, i carried a half asleep Eva into the kitchen where Harry was eating breakfast by himself. 

"Morning Eva" Harry said, Eva just made a sighing noise, i guess was her way of communicating this morning. I sat her down at the kitchen table where she let her head drop onto the table, poor thing must be so tired.

"Eva did you actually get any sleep last night?" i asked and she shook her head still laying it on the table. 

"No, i couldn't sleep. I got the smallest amount this morning but thats it" she said finally saying something. I made her some cereal and place it on the table infront of her, she made no movement at all.  "Come one Eva, you have to eat" i said lifting her arm up. She groaned but did as she was told.

"Where are the rest of the boys?" i asked Harry. 

"Still asleep, we thought seeing as Eva is only staying with us till Monday, that we should do something special. So we are going to a theme park" He said. I smiled looking at Eva, she lifted her head up hearing what we had been saying. 

"A theme park, whats that?" She said perking up. 

"Well its a place where there is rollercoasters and rides" i said munching on my cereal. 

"Whats a rollercoaster?" she asked confused. 

"You will see when we get there, now should we go and wake the rest of the boys up" i asked and she nodded getting up. I guess the sugar in the cereal gave her a little energy, she ran straight into Louis' room first. She climbed up onto his bed and started jumping all over him, Louis groaned lifting his head up. "Come on Louis, we need to get up. We're going to a Theme park" She said still jumping on his bed. 

"Come on Eva, he will get up. Lets go and see Niall" I said pulling her out of the room.

She ran straight into Nialls room and did the exact same as she did in Louis' room. "Wake up Niall, we are going to a Theme Park" She said shouting and jumping all over him.  He didn't stir so i decided to help her out, i grabbed his ankles and dragged him out of his bed.

"Wha- wheres the fire" he said standing up. Me and Eva just laughed and moved onto Liams room, to our suprise he was already up. "Morning Eva, Morning Zayn" he said cheerly. Someone was in a happy mood this morning, i wonder why...


(Evas pov)

We arrived at the 'Theme park' I heard screams and cheers of delight come from all the strange machines above me, i got so excited knowing i was going to go on all these rides.  

"Which ride do you want to go on first?" Louis asked picking me up and putting me on his shoulders. I pointed to a spinning frog ride, people were taking pictures of us as we walked towards the ride. I buried my hid my head on Louis' shoulder scared of these people, they were flashing photos and screaming at us. What did they want? 

"its ok Eva, they aren't going to hurt you" Louis said. "Come on, we get to go straight onto the ride" 

He carried me over to the ride and Me, Louis, Niall and Liam got on. Harry and Zayn watched from the side, why aren't they coming on? "How come they aren't coming on?" i asked as the ride started up. 

"Because they are scaredy cats" Niall said. Suddenly we were spun, and wizzed around. I couldn't see anything but it was really funny. I started laughing loudly, soon the ride stopped and we all climbed off.

"That. Was. AMAZING!" i shouted loudly Making the guys laugh, i went to run over to Harry and Zayn to tell the about the ride but i was so dizzy i couldn't walk in a straight line, i ended up falling over. "Are you ok?" Liam asked as i stood up, i nodded my head and ran over to them. I have never had this much fun in my whole entire life. 

(A/N- Sorry i havent uploaded for ages guys but i have been so busy revising for my exams, i have finally done them and have one more tomorrow. So sorry guys :) 

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