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<Aleks' P.O.V>

I can't believe James counties to pull shit like this but I know for a fact I am getting annoyed. James is the head of the lacrosse, football, and hockey team. It was starting to get under my skin and it feels weird when ever James is around. I try to ignore it but it was getting stronger and stronger and I really really hate it. I think that I am getting sick or something because it has been really bad the past few days. I was sitting in trigonometry and James was next to me. Because he was such an idiot I had to tutor him in trig and it was painful. James would constantly put "The Moves" on me as he called it. Constantly rubbing his hands on me and leaving not so subtle hints Like: you know it gets cold at night all alone in my bed, I think it's cute when guys wear skinny jeans and those big baggy sweat shirts, I wish my skin was pale and smooth, I think it's hot when guys have thick thighs don't you? James always likes to say that last one when groping my thighs.

The last two he would always be touching me in some way shape or form. He has been escalating lately to grabbing at me in school and being really flirty in front of my friends causing them to label him as my boyfriend. I was mindlessly doodling on last night's homework when we were told to switch. That's when I realized what I had been drawing for the past ten minutes. It was a heart with an arrow through it and two cupids around it. In the heart were the words 'Aleks+James' I tried not to panic and erase it but when I tried to erase ink with a pen I almost cried.

"Ok class trade your home work with the person next to you" she began to go over answers while I sat pure white and in shock. James had taken my paper from me and placed his in front of me. I noticed the dark shade of red that was now covering his face. The rest of class came and passed when I got my paper back there was something else scribbled in the corner next to the heart. 'Meet me behind the gym after school' I looked over at James but he was already out the door and I was left to wander through the last three periods in pure terror.

*End of the day*

I paced back and forth behind the gym trying to think of what to say. James had stopped talking to me after trig so I had to sit through three periods of torture. I told Kevin about it and asked if I should go or not. He told me to go that the worst thing to happen would be that he would not show. Honestly I was hopping he wouldn't and I would just stand behind the gym for a few minutes and leave. But no my luck was so bad that around the corner came a very giggly James.

"Hey" I squeaked slightly looking down in shame pulling at the sleeves of my sweater. I felt the blush claw its way through my cheeks and to the surface.

"Hey cutie you want to look up at me? I got you a nice little surprise" I could hear the smirk on James face. I looked up slowly to be met with a hand under my chin. I began to tremble but James forced me to stop trembling by pressing his lips to my own. It took a second to respond but when I did I melted completely and totally. I hate James and I am kissing him. I hate this big macho idiot and I am kissing him. I hate him so much but I am loving this kiss more than anything else in the world. We pulled back panting heavily before James spoke. "I knew you couldn't resist"

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