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<James p.o.v>

"ALEKS WHERE THE FUCK IS MY MOUSE?!?" I came storming out of my room and up to Aleks who was in the living room. He smiled up at me acting Innocent.

"I don't know what your talking about Jamie. Do you want me to help you look for it?" he turned his head to the side smiling up at me. I put my face in his face and squinted at him.

"Tell me where it is you little fucking horny Russian" I spat at him. I got close enough that my nose was brushing with his. He turned a bright pink and was trying not to wiggle around.

"I-I uh I will help look" he tried to move back into the couch and i just got closer.

"Aleks if you just tell me where it is I won't get any closer" his face went from a bright pink to a dark red.

"I don't uh know. I-I will help look" he fell onto his side and rolled off the couch causing me to burst into laughter. He sat there pouting on the ground looking up at me on the couch.

"You know I could make you laugh just as hard as me if you don't tell me where the mouse is" he looked at me with a strange look like he did not understand what was going on. I jumped on him and began to tickle his sides running my figures up and down his body. Tears began to stream down his cheeks and his whole face and neck was bright red. I laughed with him but not as bad as he was. I stopped and looked at him my hands still on his sides. As I still sat on his hips straddling over him. He looked up at me the huge smile fading into a small grin pressed into his perfect por- wait James what?

"Get off me and I will help?" he asked and I smiled helping him up. We wandered around looking for my mouse. I knew he had hid it somewhere but I don't care as long as I can hang out with him more.

"Aleks have you found it yet?" I turned around and saw Aleks ass up looking under my bed. He has a really nice ass.. Wait what!?

"Ya I have I just like having my face under your bed" he sarcastically retorted. I smirked and walked over to him. I landed a swift slap on his ass. Causing him to yelp and fall over. I fell on the bed laughing till it hurt watching Aleks pout on the floor.

"I bet you liked that" I chuckled causing him to go bright red and walk into another room to look for my mouse.

"OH JAMMEEESSS!!!" he called out I walked toward the sound and was greeted by a smirking Aleks and Ein wiggling her whole body holding in her mouth nothing else but my mouse.

"GIVE ME THAT YOU BITCH" I screamed running after her as Aleks did the same. We chased her through the house till she turned around and ran right at us. She wrapped the cord of the mouse around me and Aleks' legs only to have us fall on top of each other. Our legs became tangled in the wire as Ein sat and watch our struggle till she let out a small yip and walked away.

"She is such a dick, just like her owner" Aleks mumbled putting his face into my chest. We laid there for a couple of minutes then I slowly wrapped my arms around Aleks' slim waist. He jumped a bit but then looked up at me. His expression softened and he pulled his arms around my neck.

"Aleks?" I asked after a few minutes he nuzzled his face closer into my neck and made a soft sound of acknowledgement. "I-I love you," I blurted loosening my grip on him. He would never return my feelings. What have I done? God I am an idiot I am going to lose my best friend now. His grip on me tightened and I was a little shocked.

"I love you too James" he said smashing our lips together. I was frozen for only a second before I kissed back with as much happiness. We kissed till we could not kiss any more when we pulled apart shallow breaths were all you could hear. We lay there holding one another not letting the world in.

"Aleks?" I asked brushing my fingers through his hair.

"Ya?" he looked up from my chest at me with a smile.

"What are we now?" I held my breath and waited.

"Well if it is alright with you I would like it if we were boyfriend and well boyfriend now?" he looked up at me sacred that I might reject him. Impossible. I sighed and caught him in yet another kiss.

"I would love to be your boyfriend" I smiled looking down at the perfect porcelain angle that was now mine.

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