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<Aleks' P.O.V>

I stumbled through the school trying to find my way to the new class. Nothing. I had been looking for a full ten minutes and I had nothing. I finally just gave up and slouched to the ground. My glasses slipped slightly down my face as I pushed them back up pulling my books closer to me. I should have known this would happen. This always happens. I always think I am doing fine and then I am lost all over again. They were right; I am just too stupid to do anything. At the last three schools I have been bullied for different things and now I am just giving these guys new ammo like they need any more. The list of my flaws just goes on and on.




-Extremely short


-Pale as fuck



-Etc. And Etc.

I just pushed my face into my knees and was about to just pass out when the bell rung for lunch. I jumped to my feet and ran for the doors. Just like so many other kids I was extremely happy to be outside. Only because I could sit by a tree and read and no one would bug me if I was quite...Right? I was halfway through the chapter when my light was blocked out. I squinted and pushed my glasses up trying to see well.

"Can you please move I can't see?" I told the person in front of me only to hear a loud laugh come from them. They weren't just a passer by they wanted me hurt.

"Gee I am sorry I though that is what your glasses were for?" he mocked I looked up shakily only to be pulled to my feet by my collar.

"W-what do you want?" I gulped cursing myself for stuttering, as they all laughed at my stupidity.

"W-w-what we want is you to learn" he threw me to the side so I was standing on my own barley. Some people were starting to notice and I didn't like that. I felt my arms grabbed and held behind me. I tried to look round at that was holding me but it was no use. There were already punches going into my abdomen one after the other. There were about fifteen punches till my legs were kick out from under me as I just took the beating. If you try to fight back it only get worse. "GET UP AND FIGHT ME! FUCKING F*G!" I didn't move I stayed down taking two more kicks to the side before being pulled up and thrown against the tree. I looked at him blankly as this pain was nothing to me anymore. It was always there over my shoulder. Just a constant reminder that all I am fuck up. "FIGHT ME!" he demanded letting go of me taking a step back.

"No" I stated weakly before spitting some blood to the side and walking off. This guy was having none of that shit he grabbed the back of my head and hurled me toward the ground. I felt my nose hit first and was shocked I didn't hear a crack. But blood began to come faster out of it. He sent one swift kick to my face spit on me and left. The bell rang showing the end of lunch.

"I will be back f*g," he hissed before walking off.

*Time skip after school*

I had bragged myself through the whole day of school in sheer and utter pain. No one asked and I didn't tell if you tell you're just a bitch. I was walking home when I felt myself get pulled behind the school. I knew who it was I just didn't want to accept it. A flurry of punches and kicks came at me. By instinct I curled into a ball on the ground and tried to protect my dick and neck failing on the neck but not the dick. After what felt like a lifetime there was a yell from the other side of the alley but the punches did not stop they only went faster. I tried to scream to the person that was running this way but my voice was gone. Suddenly I heard my savior's voice. He was really loud and angry, oh shit was he angry.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING JOHN?!? BACK OFF THE KID YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!!" he yelled causing me to go inward even more.


"THIS!" the kid yelled back. There was a sickening sound of cracking and a thump next to me. I opened my eyes and saw John laying on the ground next me out cold. I heard his goons run away and I felt myself get picked up bridal style. "I am sorry they did this too you. You don't deserve it," he whispered in my ear before walking home with me in his arms. I fell asleep on the way there well more like passed out from the pain and woke up to a cold feeling on my face. I tried to open my eyes but only one could see ok and the other was kind of hard to see out of. Everything was blurry due to the fact I didn't have my glasses.

"P-please don't hurt m-me," squeaked seeing my hero was sitting in front of me. Just to beg is my first reaction, which was rather sad.

"Never" he whispered back cleaning a cut at the top of my head. I had never had anyone care this much for me beside my mother. He cleaned most of my face before I was able to say anything.

"Who are you?" I looked at his eyes that were full of worry but even then were beautiful.

"James Wilson. You?" he looked into my eyes causing my breath to hitch in my throat.

"A-Aleks Marchant. Aleks with a -ks" I waited for him to laugh or to make fun of my name but he didn't. He just put down the rag into the bowl of water.

"I like the name it's unique" he smiled as I just blushed and looked away. After a few moments of silence I got some questions that I wanted to ask.

"James can I ask you something?" he went from a small grin to a full-blown smile. I had never seen anything so amazing in my life.

"Anything" he responded. "Oh wait but first I need you to take off your shirt so I can clean those cuts" he blushed a little when he said 'take off your shirt'. I nodded and slowly took off my black shirt to reveal cuts and bruises all over me.

"Why did you save me?" I looked down at a cut above my navel as James cleaned it he looked kind of confused.

"What do you mean?" He asked cocking his head to the side as he continued on a cut near my side.

"I mean why are you taking care of me? Why did you save me? Why are you being so nice?" I was starting to get flustered as water ran from the rag down to the top of my pants.

"I am only this nice because I want to be" he smiled putting the rag on a large cut over my cheek causing me to hiss at the pain. "I'm sorry," he whispered kissing my forehead. My whole face went red as I watched him chuckle at me.

"I-I need to go" I tried to stand only to feel my knee give out as I yelped in pain falling back down. I ended up on the floor face to face with James, but more like lips to lips with James. I pushed off of him and tried to run away but James grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to him. He crashed our lips together and for a second I stood shocked. When I realized I was kissing back and I was enjoying it. I kissed with all I could and so did James he picked me up and placed me on the sink pushing him between my legs as I wrapped them around his waist. After an amazing make out session James pulled apart from me and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"That's why I helped you. I was hoping for that'' he smirked kissing my cheek.

"Nice to know you didn't really care whether or not I was hurt" I joked back kissing his forehead. He picked me up and brought me to his room he slowly placed me down on the bed. James took off his pants and shirt as I blushed from not only seeing him in boxers but also seeing how muscular he was compared to me. I pulled off my pants as James climbed in next to me holding me tightly in his arms.

Now I can make a list of my good qualities.


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