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<Aleks' P.O.V>

"Hey babe have you seen my black and red boxers?" James came in kissing my forehead and brushing some hair from my face.

"Ya I have actually" I admitted blushing a little.

"Where are they? Cause they were my last pair of clean ones" he rubbed my shoulders and I spun in the chair. My head hanging low. I was wearing them.

"They are kind of on me" I smiled shyly up at him.

"Well not for long let me get at dat ass" he reached out as I ran for the living room laughing. As James chased after me giggling till he had me pinned under him on the couch. As he tickled my sides I giggled and laughed as tears slipped out of the corners of my eyes. James laughed with me as I tried to push him off of me. We both calmed down and just looked into each other's eyes. He kept his hands on my sides as one of my hands balled up in his shirt and the other was on his cheek with my thumb lovingly brushing his beard.

"I love you Aleks" James whispered.

"I love you more James," I cooed back kissing his cheek as he kissed mine. James began to shower my neck in small butterfly kisses and I just lay under him smiling like an idiot. I pulled his chin up so he was looking at me. I pulled him down so he was kissing me. We moved in perfect sync together not wanting to separate. We had figured out if we breath through our noses we can kiss longer. Which works really well not to brag. After awhile of kissing we pulled apart. James got off of me then pulled me into his lap. He slowly traced along my tattoo smiling at the bright colors as I smiled at him.

"You know I was thinking about getting a tattoo?" He smiled at me looking into my eyes. He had curiosity dancing through his eyes. He wanted my approval and I smiled knowing James wanted my approval.

"I think that would be a great idea babe! What do you want to get? You can go to the guy that did my tattoo!" I went on like that for some time just talking on and on about what he could get where he could get it needless to say I was getting slightly turned on by the idea of James having a tattoo.

"Aleks calm down. It is going to be on my arm and it is going to be the zombies from resident evil and a stuffed monkey my grandmother gave me," he explained. I smiled at him knowing how excited he was about this. After we talked about the tattoo for a few more minutes then we watched a movie. I sat on his lap my back pressed against his chest and my head leaning back on his shoulder and his on mine. James had his arms around my waist one of my arms was on his arms and my other hand was tangled into his hair. As we the movie went on Sly came out of his room and came into the room where we were.

"GOD YOU TWO ARE SO FUCKING CUTE TOGETHER!" He yelled from the doorway causing me to jump and come down hard on James lap causing a groan of pain to come from his throat. I went bright red hearing that and James kissed my neck and whispered in my ear.

"You know if you bounce some more on my lap I bet you could hear a lot more of those moans you like so much" he whispered seductively in my ear kissing behind my ear. I got even redder and heard Sly laughing his ass off behind us after hearing what James said. I pulled my knees together and pressed my ass into James lap hoping to cause some discomfort to him but instead I was the one who was uncomfortable. I felt a prod in my ass I tried to jump up but James pulled me back down onto his lap so Sly would not see his "problem".

"You guys are way to funny ten out of ten ship of the year" Sly laughed at us going to get himself a soda and then going back to his room. Needless to say after Sly left, James and I did not finish the movie.

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