Chapter 4

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As they strolled down the sunlit streets of Monaco, their bags in hand, Laughter and conversation flowed between them, creating an atmosphere of genuine connection.

Just as they turned a corner, the unexpected sensation of a hand on her shoulder made Cara jump. She spun around, her eyes widening in surprise. There stood Levi Ross, a mischievous grin on his face, his blue eyes twinkling.

Cara's initial shock turned into a mixture of surprise and amusement. "Lee! You scared the life out of me."

Valentina chuckled, her eyes dancing with amusement as she observed the exchange.

Levi held up his hands in mock surrender. "My bad."

Cara couldn't help but laugh at the situation. Valentina chimed in, clearly enjoying the interaction. "Im guessing you've both met already?"

​​Cara chuckled nervously, glancing at Levi. "Yeah, he was at the apartment last night."

"I went over for dinner." Levi's grin widened, a hint of amusement in his eyes. "So what are you two up to today?"

Valentina, smiled knowingly. "Well, we actually just finished some shopping."

Levi glanced at the shopping bags in their hands, his expression teasing. "Shopping, huh? Sounds like fun. Did you buy anything nice?

Cara lifted her bags slightly. "Got a dress for tonight."

Levi's brows lifted in interest. "Ah, I see. You're getting ready for your big night out."

Valentina smiled in approval. "She looks stunning in it."

Levi chimed in, his grin playful. "I'm looking forward to seeing it."

Valentina's phone buzzed, and she glanced at the screen. "Oh, it's Cian. I'll just be a moment," she said with a smile before stepping away to take the call.

After a moment of silence Cara gestured toward Valentina. "I invited Valentina to join us tonight. Hope that's okay."

Levi's lips curled into a genuine smile. "Absolutely, The more, the merrier."

Just as their conversation flowed, Valentina returned, her expression a mix of excitement and concern. "Cian is on his way, but he's stuck in traffic. He asked me to wait for him at the café."

Cara glanced at Levi, then back at Valentina. "Do you want us to wait with you?"

Valentina shook her head with a warm smile. "No, it's alright. Levi, any chance you wanna take her out to lunch? We'll catch up Later."

Levi glanced at Cara. "It would be my pleasure."

With Valentina heading back to the café, Levi and Cara fell into step, walking side by side. The sun cast a gentle warmth over the city, creating a tranquil atmosphere.

"So, how's Monaco going?" He asked, his tone light.

Cara grinned, "I really like it."

"I'm glad." he responded with a friendly smile, "Tell me more about your family. Cian never really talks about them."

Cara's gaze turned thoughtful as she considered her response. "Well," she began, "my parents actually divorced when I was quite young, but they've always been supportive. I have a younger sister, Lily, who's in college now, and we get along really well."

Levi nodded, his expression sympathetic. "I'm sorry to hear about your parents. How's your relationship with your family now?"

"It was a long time ago." Cara shrugged, a hint of sadness in her eyes. "My dad is great. He's always been supportive, especially when it comes to my career. But my mom... Well, let's just say she's not my biggest fan."

Levi frowned, his curiosity piqued. "Why not?"

Cara sighed, her shoulders slumping slightly. "I don't know, really. She's always had high expectations, and I never quite met them. she's always been more interested in Cians career."

Levi listened attentively, a sympathetic understanding in his eyes. "It's tough when parents have different expectations for their children."

Cara nodded, appreciating Levi's empathy. "Yeah, it is. But I've learned to follow my own path, and my dad has been there to support me every step of the way."

Cara couldn't help but return his interest. "What about your family? Do you have siblings?"

Levi's expression softened, a hint of nostalgia in his eyes. "I have a little brother, James," he said, his voice filled with warmth. "He's seven years old and the world to me. My parents gave up everything to help me get into racing, so now I'm determined to give everything back to them. We grew up in a disadvantaged neighbourhood, and I want James to have a better childhood than I did."

Cara admired Levi's dedication to his family. "That's incredibly noble," she remarked, her admiration shining through. "Your parents must be really proud of you."

Levi chuckled softly. "They are, but I'm even prouder of them. They worked so hard to give me a shot at this career, and I'll never forget it."

"You're amazing," Cara replied, a genuine smile gracing her lips.

They passed by a picturesque café, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee drifting through the air. Cara couldn't help but feel a pang of hunger. "Do you have any recommendations for a good lunch spot around here?"

Levi's eyes lit up with enthusiasm. "Absolutely, I know just the place. It's a little bistro just around the corner. The food is incredible, and they make a mean seafood risotto."

Cara's mouth watered at the thought. "Seafood risotto sounds perfect."

As they continued their leisurely walk, Levi shared stories about his experiences in Monaco and some of his favourite hidden gems in the city. Cara listened intently, captivated by his tales and the way he described the magic of this place.

They arrived at the cosy bistro, its outdoor terrace bathed in the warm glow of the sun. Cara and Levi took a seat at a small table overlooking the picturesque street. As they perused the menu and placed their orders, Levi and Cara found themselves lost in conversation once more, the connection between them growing stronger with each passing moment. They talked about their interests, their dreams, and their shared love for racing. Cara found herself enjoying Levi's company more and more with each passing moment.

When their plates of food arrived, they dug in, savouring the exquisite flavours. Between bites, Cara couldn't help but glance around and soak in the ambiance of Monaco. The elegant buildings, the distant view of the Mediterranean, and the laughter of people passing by all contributed to the enchantment of the moment.

Levi watched her with a soft smile, his eyes reflecting the charm of the city and the warmth of their connection. Monaco was indeed a place of beauty and allure, but for Cara, it was also becoming a place where she was forming unforgettable memories with new friends.

As they finished lunch and paid the bill, Levi leaned back in his chair, his eyes softening as turned to Cara with a curious expression. "Cara," he began, "I couldn't help but wonder, what brought you to Monaco in the first place?"

Cara's gaze briefly shifted to the people walking past in the distance before she sighed softly. "I needed a fresh start," she confessed, her voice tinged with a hint of vulnerability. "I had fallen in with the wrong crowd back home, and it was dragging me down. Cian," she paused, her eyes shining with gratitude, "he helped me get out of that situation and encouraged me to come here, where I could rebuild my life."

Levi nodded, his expression understanding. He didn't press for more details, recognizing the sensitive nature of Cara's past. "Well, I'm glad you found a way out, Cara. this is the place to start new."

Cara smiled gratefully. "It really is."

Levi's warm smile in response reassured her that she had made the right decision to share even that small part of her story. He didn't pry further, respecting her privacy. Instead, he stood from his seat, offering to walk her home.

With their conversation now settled into a comfortable rhythm, they left the café. Levi walked her back to the apartment, promising to see her later.

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