Chapter 7

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Cara stirred in the comfortable guest room at Levi's house as the morning light filtered through the curtains. She groggily picked up her phone. A message from Cian filled the screen.

You okay? I'm heading out to a meeting for an hour. I'll see you for lunch.

She quickly replied, assuring him that she was fine and that she'd be home soon.

With a soft yawn, she got out of bed, feeling a bit disoriented from the events of the previous night. She looked at herself in the full length mirror, dressed in a pair of Levi's tracksuit bottoms and a t-shirt, her party dress and heels placed neatly on a nearby chair.

Carefully picking up her stuff, she made her way downstairs, following the enticing aroma of freshly brewed coffee. Levi was already in the kitchen, a cup of coffee in hand.

"Morning," he greeted her with a warm smile, pouring a cup of coffee for her.

Cara smiled back, grateful for his hospitality. "Morning!"

She accepted the coffee with a nod of thanks and took a sip, relishing the rich flavour. "Thank you, again, for last night."

Levi nodded, his expression gracious. "It was my pleasure."

Levi took another sip of coffee as he looked at the clock on the wall."Ive gotta get to a meeting." he stated hurriedly putting his coffee down "You need a lift back to the apartment or do you wanna chill here?" he asked.

She turned to Levi with a hopeful expression. "I'll head back, if that's okay?"

He nodded with a friendly smile. "Of course. Let's go."

Levi picked his keys up from the table. They made their way into the garage, and Cara couldn't help but smile at the sight of the sleek, gleaming Ferrari parked there.

"Of course, you have a fancy car," she teased, a playful glint in her eyes.

Levi chuckled as he unlocked the car. "What can I say? Perks of the job."

They both climbed into the luxurious sports car, the engine purring to life as Levi started it. Levi turned the key in the ignition, and the Ferrari roared to life with a powerful purr. The engine's rumble filled the garage, a symphony of precision engineering waiting to be unleashed. As they pulled out of the garage, the sunbeams streamed down, casting a golden glow over the gleaming red exterior of the car.

With a casual flick of his fingers, Levi pressed a button on the dashboard, and the sleek hood of the Ferrari began to retract, folding gracefully into place. Cara smirked as the wind rushed in, ruffling her hair and sending a refreshing breeze through the car's interior.

The drive through the picturesque streets of Monaco was nothing short of a dream. The Mediterranean sunlight kissed their skin, and the azure sea sparkled in the distance. Cara leaned back in her seat, a contented smile gracing her face as the warm breeze caressed her.

"I love this song!" Cara exclaimed, reaching for the volume knob on the radioand turning it up. The melody filled the car, and Cara began to sing along, her voice carrying a sense of joy that matched the beauty of the day.

Levi glanced over at her, a grin tugging at the corners of his lips. They cruised along the winding coastal roads, the Ferrari hugging the curves effortlessly. The world outside was alive, and Cara felt like she was part of a moment suspended in time.

As they approached her apartment building, Cara reluctantly turned down the music, the last notes of the song lingering in the air. She turned to Levi with a grateful smile, gratitude shining in her eyes. "Thanks again for the ride and for everything last night, Levi. I really appreciate it."

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