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kyliejenner • Instagram
398M followers • 6.8K posts
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Hi Selena, Good Morning can we talk?

Hi Kylie, what kind of talk?

Ahm, about what happened between us, what I mean is about the issues, I want to say sorry for all the hurt and all the shade I thrown to you on social media. I'm really, really sorry Selena!

Why, Kylie. I can't understand why all of the sudden you are saying sorry?

I've been reflecting on my attitude lately and I owe you a big apology and I guess, I want to end our misunderstanding and can be civil at least. I don't want to ask you to become my friends 'cause I been throwing a lot of shit and at least we become civil!

You know what Kylie I forgive you already and yes we can be civil and cool with each another and thank you for reaching me out I appreciate a lot, Its that all. I'll go now, bye Kylie see you around!

Welcome Selena and thank you you're such a angel Selena, take care and see you around also!
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Hailey Rhode Baldwin Bieber
haileybieber • Instagram
50.1M followers • 2,082 posts
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Hi Selena, Good Afternoon can we talk if that's possible?

Hi Hailey, Good Afternoon, what you want to talk about?

About are issues in the past and I want to say sorry to you, I'm really sorry Selena for the shade I thrown to you and for the hate, I've been given to you it was so immature and its so shit also. I'm sorry!

It's fine actually, I already forgive you and thank you Hailey for reaching me out and I appreciate it, and I'm so I can offer right now is civil relationship its been hard but I forgive you already!

Thank you Selena and I understand if you want to become civil only and I hope someday we can talk personally and laughed about all the shit that we face!

You're welcome Hailey and I'm looking forward to that day, I have to go. Bye Hailey, see you when I see you!

Okay Selena, take care and see you when I see you!
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