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Liked by zayn and 56,903,226 othersselenagomez Us again, I love you two so much

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Liked by zayn and 56,903,226 others
selenagomez Us again, I love you two so much. Having you guys by my side is so peaceful and relaxing at the same time. I cannot trade this kind of love to anyone to this world. I love you our Papa Z and our baby Khai.

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Liked by selenagomez and 61,632,055 otherszayn Two random photo, they became my world right now and I find myself smiling every single day because of them

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Liked by selenagomez and 61,632,055 others
zayn Two random photo, they became my world right now and I find myself smiling every single day because of them. I love you our Momma @selenagomez and my baby Khai.

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