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Jonathan walked contended around the house and couldn't hold back his excitement. Stop. He stood in his kitchen, frozen, his big smile and wide eyes slowly disappearing. I should focus. Why am I acting like this? Ann will probably just die like the others. Turning around with one slide, he ran his fingers through his brown hair and put on his transparent glasses. He went back to the bedroom and Jonathan watched her through the crack of its door. Ann was standing in front of the window, with her back to the door and observed the birds that hopped around the few trees. "They are free" she whispered. "I want to live in freedom, just like them." Ann turned around and looked at Jonathan with a sad, yet lifeless expression. She noticed me. I should be careful and find out her strengths and weaknesses. "You will" he said encouragingly and had a closer look at her clothing. A long oversized patched skirt of wool, tied tightly to her thin waist with a knot so it wouldn't slide down. A thin T-shirt, less oversized than the skirt but oversized enough to make her look almost anorexic. Just now he realized that he had never paid attention to things like that before, he simply didn't care. But this time it was different. She doesn't smell. Well, she does a little, but why didn't I recognize earlier? Ann turned back to the window and ignored his stare. The old women mentioned she's been with them for two days. But what happened earlier? Strange. But could also just be a coincidence. In his thoughts, Jonathan left. He had a last glance at Ann, but she seemed to be in her own world.

"Here are some clothes for you." Jonathan said as he returned and laid them on the bed. "You can take a shower, the bathrooms right there." He pointed at the door on the opposite side of the bedroom's door. "Okay" she nodded and disappeared with the clothes in the bathroom. Jonathan looked at the breakfast tray he made for her. She hasn't touched it yet, this girl must be starving!

As Ann returned from the bathroom in her new clothes, Jonathan brought a stool with a hairdryer and a brush. "Come here, sit down." He spoke in a severe tone, impatiently waiting for her. "I'll do this for you, you eat something in the mean time." He put the breakfast on her lap as she sat down and started brushing her hair while Ann continued staring outside the window. "Ugh, your hair's like a jungle" he said in disgust. Suddenly, his face was again full of excitement. "How about we cut it?" With an open smiling mouth and great eyes he waited for her reaction, staring at her reflection in the window. "Uhm..." she hesitated, moving nervously her face, "yeah, uh, that's a good idea!" "I'll get a scissor then, go to the bathroom!" Running off, he searched for a clean scissor in his drawers throughout the house. What a good idea, a genius move!

"How about that length?" He asked in a tone as if he was a hair stylist himself. "Yes" Ann agreed with a laugh. "Mr. Crane, you really are a good person, there should be more people like you." She grinned, "And more who are as humorous as you" she added. "Oh, really?" Jonathan asked rhetorical as he cut strain by strain Ann's matted and tattered hair. "How old are you, Ann?" "About 22 years old" she replied calmly and Jonathan was glad she let her guard down a bit. "'About' you said? So you don't know your exact birthday?" "No, not really." He was surprised. Jonathan wanted more information, but she didn't seem like she wanted to talk about that now. So she grew up with no parents or a bad relationship between them, I guess. "You'd like to tell me a bit about yourself?" He asked carefully with curiosity. "Hmm..." Ann put her eyes on the floor and seemed lost in her thoughts. "Don't you have a job, Mr. Crane?" She asked mischievous to get off topic. Jonathan smiled at her in the mirror. "My job is to take care of people in need. I work in the social care center, the huge building we passed yesterday. I just can't leave you on the streets again, so I brought you to my house. The center is currently being renovated, so we lack rooms and sanitary facilities." He explained. This was risky. Shit. "I see. Sorry, I really don't know much about Gotham City." She acted a little dejected. Lucky me. "Aaaand we're ready ma'am! Do you like it?" Jonathan swept some strains off her body and posed his hands next to her new look. "Yes, it's different, but I like the change." Ann smiled. "Thank you, I really appreciate it." Ann watched herself in the mirror and ran through her shoulder long hair. "I'll dry your hair and you eat your breakfast now."

Jonathan enjoyed spending some time with Ann, even though they didn't talk much. It was a refreshing change he hasn't experienced for a long time. Talking every day to crazy people who failed his experiments, just waiting until they finally take the last breath, was exhausting and he has been expecting successful test results for month. If Ann fails, I'll memorize our short conversations. I won't be sad about her loss. I will be happy about the happiness she has given me for a short while. Full of nostalgia he remembered the time when he also treated other people during his short study. His current test objects all appeared to be the same.

As Jonathan finished drying her hair, he couldn't let go of his curiosity. "Do you want to talk about your experiences?" He tried again carefully. "No, not yet, sorry" Ann whispered, looked to the floor and shaked her head. "A lot has happened to me in a short period of time, it's all mixed up in my head and I need some time for myself." I see. "Of course" showing his compassion. "I'll go to the social care center to look for other people and to ask about a free room. I'll be back at dawn. Take your time and focus on yourself. Try to relax." He advised her. Enough time for the first examination. "You can go in the garden and I'll prepare some lunch before I leave." Jonathan said in his thoughts, already excited about the results, as he cleaned the bathroom. "Thank you." Ann replied and went yet again to the window.

In|sane and in love / Scarecrow FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now