Chapter 21: The Most Powerful Pokemon

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Sandshrew: "Jeff!😭"

Jeff: "Sandshrew!😭"

The two ran at each other at top speed  and hugged themselves relentlessly on arrival.

Jeff: "From now on your staying RIGHT beside me at all times outside. Thanks alot for bringing him back."

Me: "Oh that reminds me, I got the rock back."

I thew the blue rock into his face as he was starting to stand up (hey I thought It was pretty funny).

Jeff: "Ow wha- ooooh this is the Blue Sapphire that Team Rocket also stole, I mean we should probably install it into my machine inside the pokecenter immediately! Sandshrew, we have some work to do!"

Heading back to One islands pokecenter, Jeff finally gets his world trading machine up and running with the help of the red thingymajig and blue rock up. Really it just looked like he typed in a few keys and it worked.
Me and Sandshrew just kinda stood there watching.

Me: "Wait Sandshrew, are you not gonna help?"

Sandshrew: "Oh I don't know much about coding, he just usually does things himself and keeps me around for company."

Jeff: "And just like that, I've fixed your mistake. Trading in different pokemon types to combat the temp changes from the legendary birds assassination should hopefully work, it just might take a while to load...

Me: "Couldnt we just start a forest fire?"

I the end we just decided to sit together at one of the seating rooms while waiting for his pokemon mover to boot up since the loading screen was taking a while.

Jeff: " what are you gonna after we've finished all this I mean your pokemon champion now and team rockets gone, isn't that what you wanted?"

Me: "Oh well thing is I'm not just stopping at Kanto, ever since I've discovered nuzlocking and pokemon battling, I've been wanting to become champion of the big main regions of pokemon. Kanto, Jhoto, Hoenn, Sinnoh and Unova and become the greatest Rookie Nuzlocker in the world!"

Jeff: "Well that was a big explanation, tell you what, I'll come to Jhoto or wherever your going and see how your doing, I'm in it for discovery and that doesn't stop at just one region. But uh, what's a nuzlocke?"

Me: "Oh I forgot that would just be regular pokemon to you uh...dont worry about it."

Jeff: "Also just becoming pokemon champion once would make you far from a rookie right?"

Me: "I mean...i guess I just couldn't think of anything better."

Sandshrew: "Don't know what it is but maybe the best casual Nuzlocker fit better?"

Me: "Oh, well then I'll just have to set my sights on being the best casual in the world, thanks guys!"

I stuck my fist in the air, shut my eyes and put on a prideful grin as I said it, Jeff and Sandshrew chuckling at me in the process.

Jeff: "Oh it must be ready!"

He quickly jumped up from his seat and took a look at the screen he installed.

"Alright seems ready to go. Oh and this reminds me, don't go willy nilly killing more Legendaries, especially that undiscovered secret one over in Cerulean."

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