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             {Yu JiminxAeri Unchinaga}
          Soft and cute, don't have
              Of sex or vulgar language        
                 It's a normal fanfiction

In the Yu family, sometimes things can't go the way everyone wants them to, but in the end, the woman of the house, as well as Aeri, only had to do one thing to calm things down between the two ever-so-quarrelsome daughters: take away their phones. .  Even though the two daughters were almost ten years old each, a year less for each younger, the two quarreled continuously wanting each time to be right about what they were doing, even when she was expressly wrong.  But in the end, they always made peace even if they were constantly fighting each other, the same woman of the house, Aeri, said that it was normal for them to argue and make up immediately after some minutes, because in the end they loved each other but the other woman of the house, Jimin, preferred that the two not just fight and not always have to intervene for everything.  Aeri said it was her bad upbringing in the early years in foster homes while Jimin said they were too spoiled.  That's right, the two were women married through a certificate from another country, given that in South Korea it is not possible to marry two equal genders, and they had adopted two girls in an orphanage institute in Korea that took two girls: Minjeong, the older of the two, and Yizhuo, the younger girl.  Minjeong was a quiet girl who stayed close to her, always with that reserve and that mysterious aura but at the same time she was a pleasant and nice girl who loved to make sarcastic jokes every couple of minutes.  Yizhuo was the youngest and also the one who always drove the line between the two, most of the time, she loved being the center of attention and being flattered by her parents, but in the end, she too was just a shy and body-concerned girl. and his insecurities about his personality as well.  The two got on well with their two mothers and had no preference for the two in any way: they both found them both annoying at times, because they confiscated their phones, and also loving and reassuring when they weren't well both physically and mentally.  Yi Jimin was the eldest woman in the family and worked full-time in her private office as an accountant.  She was quite famous and she especially loved her job, the first time she met Aeri she was still in her second year of university and she already had clear ideas about her.  Aeri, on the other hand, was a former Japanese teacher, being a native of that nation, the latter had offered to be a teacher and she was accepted immediately.  She had to leave, not out of obligation, but Jimin told her that she didn't need to work too since they were financially well, on the contrary they had a rather wealthy life regarding money and also the house where they lived.  So Aeri took a break and started taking care of the two girls.  Jimin was happy that Aeri took her advice, at least she wouldn't be overloaded with her full-time job and daughters.  She had been a truly wonderful choice for both of them.  Unfortunately, Jimin was almost always late due to customers with complicated work schedules, so, like this evening too, she had to stay alone and wait for her wife to come to the table.  She had already made her daughters eat since the next day they had to go to school, and like every time after she finished cleaning Aeri she was waiting for Jimin's return ready to warm up the dishes she had cooked.  When Jimin told him it didn't matter if the plate was cold, Aeri replied that it was a custom that her mother had too since her father always arrives late from work, it was a kind of thank you for work and for the things that did and gave to the family.  Jimin that same evening that he asked her, he was moved hugging and kissing her continuously making her food cool again.  But now she was doing later than usual and Aeri was asleep on the table with the hot food in front of her.  Jimin as always, as soon as he got home, took off his shoes and asked in a whisper if anyone was there but unlike the other educated girls she didn't hear anyone answering her question.  Jimin walked over to the table with a smile on his lips.  She took off the jacket that she usually wore to make herself more professional at work and slowly put it around his shoulders.  “Oh, Aeri… So you make my heart ache for how loving you are towards me,” she whispered as she rubbed his shoulders lovingly.  "I don't know what I did to deserve you, beautiful wife of infinite affection" she continued to whisper softly as the woman was about to wake up hearing someone talking.  She rubbed her eyes and then yawned "You finally came" she whispered back to her Aeri to her seeing her wife kneeling in front of him with happy eyes.  "Come on, sit at the table, everything is ready" she said immediately after indicating the food on the table.  Jimin nodded his head in denial then smiled and hugged his legs.  She put her head on her lap and then sighed happily "Tell me, was I good enough in my past life to deserve you?"  the woman asked aloud making Aeri laugh.  The younger woman patted the woman's head and then with her other hand squeezed the jacket she had placed on her shoulders minutes ago of her the same woman who was now relaxing on her legs.  “I wonder the same thing too,” Aeri whispered through narrowed eyes causing Jimin's head to suddenly lift as if she'd heard something highly valuable and interesting.  Jimin smiled at her and then humorously said, "Maybe we were both saints in our past lives."  Aeri laughed at her comment and then kissed his forehead.  He made her stand up and sit in the chair closest to hers.  She took him some water from the fridge and removed the plastic wrap from her plates so that they didn't get cold quickly but kept warm.  Jimin ate contentedly, occasionally complimenting and asking questions about what he had asked while he was gone.  When he finished he wiped his lips with his napkin and then walked over to his wife again, took her hands and got down on his knees again as if she wanted to pray or make a promise.  "Really Aeri, I understand that it's customary to do it, but if you're sleepy I'll understand..." "Don't be silly. I'll always be there even when you're so late that there will be dawn to keep me company" Aeri interrupted closing her hand with her hand. woman's mouth.  Jimin nodded realizing that the woman was too stubborn.  He raised her head and legs well, bending her back slightly to reach her wife's lips.  They kissed for a while with Jimin holding her cheek and stroking it from time to time, while Aeri continued to hold her jacket tightly on her shoulder and Jimin's other hand on hers.  "That sucks, they're kissing!"  shouted Yizhuo, pointing to two o'clock.  They knew how skeptical Yizhuo was about kissing.  She adored her two mothers but she hated every person who kissed another passionately.  Minjeong shut his mouth and smiled sheepishly at hearing the sister's words and the scene of her two mothers in the hall of the dining table.  "How come you two are still awake?"  Jimin asked in confusion raising an eyebrow as Aeri let out a small laugh at hearing her daughter scream those words in annoyance.  "I wanted to drink!"  Yizhuo yelled once again standing on her stairs taking her sister's hand away from her mouth.  "And you, Minjeong?"  Jimin asked again, "Yizhuo is afraid of the dark" the girl replied quickly.  Jimin smiled and then passed a glass of water to Yizhuo and then stroked Minjeong's head.  “Go to sleep. I have to go to school tomorrow,” Jimin said at two as she took back her now empty glass.  "Okay, mom," she replied in unison, running up the stairs after her mother's order.  Aeri meanwhile stood up and joined Jimin.  She touched her shoulders and then said again with a laugh between her lips "Let's go to sleep too, what do you say?".  Jimin nodded, realizing it was too late for them.  They turned off the kitchen light as they walked up the stairs hand in hand.  Even though they were married and had daughters, the love had not yet completely consummated as it usually did in married couples in charge of children.  Jimin and Aeri loved each other with all their hearts as if they were the only thing that mattered to their well-being and their lives, besides her daughters of course.

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