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             {Park JihyoxChou Tzuyu}
                     Soft and cute
                         [girl xgirl]

The life that was lived in this magnificent and imaginative place was perfect.  Every inhabitant of that place was an animal, any kind of species there were no ugly species or beautiful species, all of them made themselves special in their unique appearance.  But there was a very important rule to follow: the inhabitants who had the same species could marry, those who had a relationship with a different species from their own could not marry and automatically have children, both generate and adopt them but always of the same species.  It was a crime to go against the laws of the land.  Rightly every family was looking for a good aprtner for their children.  One of the families was that of the Chou: one of the richest families in the country.  They had kindly asked families of the same status and wealth, and even of the same species, to come to the Chou mansion so that their daughter could have a partner.  The fact that the daughter was also male.  Each species has a male or female organ: a woman can be born with a male organ and a man can be born with a female organ.  It was something very rare but also highly valued being unique to the species.  The Chou's daughter was a good partner, even though she had a masculine disposition she was a kind and reliable person and above all very intelligent.  Her name was Tzuyu and for the moment she didn't have any partner, but she wasn't even looking for him.  She loved a person but unfortunately she was not of the same kind as her.  The Chous were a very dangerous species as well as that of wolves.  Normally species of the genus were found being somewhat common but at the same time rare.  One possible partner was a certain Elkie, a woman with a female organ and wonderful beauty.  Tsuyu was a bit enchanted but in the end she didn't like her one bit, neither how she spoke nor how she behaved, the only positive thing that that woman had was her beauty.  "Why did you refuse her!"  his father said angrily when he learned that the woman had been sent away immediately after the appointment.  Tzuyu hurled the book she was holding onto the small table she was studying on seconds ago.  The loud clatter of her book made her father even more nervous, he yelled at her one more time and then lectured him for throwing that book and rejecting that girl, then he walked away.  Tzuyu sighed in stress and then, as soon as she had the chance, she ran away from her house and went where she normally goes every evening when she wanted to see the person she loved and she wanted to marry one cultured for all.  Unfortunately their species were different.  She smelled the vegetables of that peasant family.  She heard the laughter in the dining room as she snuck under the window frames to at least look at her love for a while.  She lowered her ears out of sight as they were very visible from the window.  She saw that there were only two old rabbits and a little boy: there was not the person that she had hoped there was her.  She rolled on the ground so that she could go faster to the next window but before she could look up, the window opened and a bunny poked her face out and with a confused expression asked the she-wolf a bit dirty with grass and dirt "Who Is that you? Why are you here? Do you know we're not wolves?"  Tzuyu smiled then stood up and showed her enormous height difference between her and her bunny a little afraid of her presence after seeing her in her real height.  The bunny squealed a little worried about what she might say or do as a wolf, she kept silent and waited for what the girl wanted in front of her.  The she-wolf didn't expect to have a conversation with the person she had wanted for a long time, she gulped a little anxiously and she said to him "I'm just lost...".  The bunny smiled at him and then said sarcastically "Really? Are you lost?".  She retracted her ears again by knocking them down as the she-wolf stared at her intently.  "You're right... I'm not lost" the she-wolf replied immediately after giving a small embarrassed smile, but it scared the poor bunny even more, who looked at her long and sharp teeth through that smile that actually wanted to show her shame for being discovered.  “And what do you want from me?” She asked trembling the bunny hiding behind the window curtains.  The she-wolf laughed for a while and finally she asked him "Have you ever fallen in love with someone who doesn't love you back because their family species is different?".  The confused bunny pulled the curtains from her face, seeing how sad she was and whipped the she-wolf before her.  "No, never," blushed the bunny furiously being a little girl who had never left her house because of her inferior species.  "Well, I do. I love a girl madly but she doesn't even know who she is or what I am. But I love her so much that I want her all to myself, even if I don't know her. I see her every time she leaves the house or when she has to run an errand, but she's never seen me, I don't know if she does it because she wants to make herself agnostic to everything that happens to him or she's really naïve" she said, laughing a little.  The bunny stared at her gently seeing how she spoke with so much love about a girl that she didn't even know about her about her existence.  "What species is it?"  the girl asked curiously.  The wolf stared at her for a while and said "she IS a rabbit, but rabbits and wolves don't get along very well".  The bunny looked at her in disbelief breathing slowly, not understanding who that girl the she-wolf was talking about was.  "Then it must be someone I know," she whispered, sniffing at her from the cold she was catching through the open window.  Tzuyu noticed it and, so that his adorable love didn't get sick, he took off his coat, which he had quickly taken from his room since he had noticed that a strong wind was blowing, and put it on his shoulders without even asking him if he wanted it or not. less.  "Thank you but you don't have to," she said as she tried to give it back to him but her she-wolf was stubborn and she held the coat tightly around the bunny's shoulders.  "I don't want you to get sick," Tzuyu whispered shyly.  The bunny blushed once again seeing how kind that she-wolf was.  "And what is the look of her?"  the bunny asked curiously.  The she-wolf smiled at her once again "Well, she's about as tall as you, she has short hair similar to yours and she's as pretty as you" she answered after a little courage.  The bunny raised an eyebrow confused by the wolf's answer.  "She Similar to me? She Then she is my relative" she said she again as if she were whispering something private.  "Silly. You are the one I love, dear Jihyo," she replied as she patted his head softly, as if she were waking up from some dream.  She heard a call, it was that of the wolves: they were looking for Tzuyu, they had discovered her.  She smiled a little uncertain whether or not to go of her own free will home or stay here a little longer.  "Do I like you?"  the bunny asked aloud but the she-wolf couldn't help but give another tap on the bunny's head this time the girl felt familiar from the truth but the she-wolf added "I don't like you, I love you. And even if I can't stay with you, I'll come looking for you in the night and I'll stay with you for a while to watch you do even the stupidest thing" she said, ready to leave.  The bunny stopped her, took him in her arms with a little fear and replied "Why on earth do you just have to look? Even if we can't love each other, we can be friends and we can talk as much as you want like tonight".  The she-wolf shook her head in denial.  Even though she knew that love was inaccessible, she didn't want to delude herself into friendship.  "I prefer to pretend that you don't know me, so that you don't treat me as a friend. Being treated like a friend by the person you love is the worst thing that can happen to someone" she replied after a while .  The bunny smiled at her understanding the reasoning and the heart of the wolf.  "So, let's talk in private... Like tonight, you know it can happen that the spark is triggered" the bunny whispered making the she-wolf jump with emotion.  Tzuyu leaned forward to the window but the girl backed away with a bitter smile on her lips "Can I really do that?"  Tzuyu asked happily.  The bunny nodded quickly and then, as soon as she saw the she-wolf back away from the window, she immediately composed herself.  The she-wolf, still with a smile on her lips, scratched the back of her neck a little embarrassed to realize that she had just confessed to the person she loved.  She said goodbye and that she would be back the following evening.  The bunny told her that she would be waiting for her here as this same evening.  Tzuyu began to go to that bunny every evening but she also knew that as much as she could love that girl, she could neither marry her nor love her freely.  He just had to hope that the law of the country would change as well as the friendly feelings of the little and adorable Jihyo, the bunny who had made Tzuyu fall madly in love, the she-wolf from a wealthy family and who could have everything, anything but what she wanted only daughter of the family: the love reciprocated by the bunny.

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