A tired teacher.

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Izuku PoV

It was my first day at UA. All of the digimon were either excited or didn't care. When I walked into class I was happy to see the Uraraka and Iida was in my class. Everyone's Digimon was out and chatting. The teacher was the scruffy guy I met then I was fighting Sagomon. He has us hop on a bus and took us to a beach.

"This beach is infested with digimon and we had it Evacuated. Clear them out and hunt at least 1 of them or you are expelled." He said. All of us enter Digiquartz and don't see anything. "I think they are hiding underwater." Psychemon said. "Wait! Jellymon can you swim?" I ask. "Yeah I can!" She said. "Can she be annoying Uraraka?" I say. "When she wants to be. Why?" She responds


Jellymon swims to the sea bed in digiquartz. "Bibi Thunder" she said shocking the water. All the water digimon look and her angry. "Bet you guys can't catch me!" She said swimming to the surface. Once they do we see that they are a bunch of divemon. All of my classmates are dealing with the divemon and Hunting one. Including me! "Is that all of them?" Iida said. The. The water starts to get rough and 2 huge digimon come out. "What are those!" A pink haired girl said. "The Lobster on the left Is Ebidramon! And one with the hammer is Zudomon!" Iida said. "Then it is  time to get serious!" Katchan said.

Super evolve!" all of us said.

"Time to level the playing field! Arresterdramon! Sagomon! Digifuse!


"Hydro slicer!" He shouted attacking them both. "Aqua Zamba!" Amphimon said. Zudoman and Ebidramon were pushed back.

Everyone else Jumped in and attacked them at once. Katchan hunted Ebidramon and Iida hunted Zudomon.

After that we returned to the real world and went back to school the principal wanted to see us.

"Aizawa!!" Nezu said. "Yeah Nezu? What is it?" He said. "What have I told you about doing these Expel tests! All students can't be expelled in the first month of school! And if so most of the factuality must agree to expel them! We made the rule because of you! Not to mention You were supposed to hunt the digimon on that beach! Yourself! 3 Days ago!" He said. "I know but...." "You are getting a massive pay cut for this! I warned you!" Nezu shouted.

End of chapter

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