The one for me headcannon- Gavi & Pedri

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Gavi realises you were the one for him in the stupidest way. He always thought it would be a really special moment like he looked at you and realised you were the most beautiful person in the entire world or he just felt so much love for you it was overwhelming. That's not how it happened though but actually the moment he realised was much more fitting for your relationship and how you two are with each other. Really Gavi knew deep down that you were the one for him way before the moment came that it hit him but he wasn't ready to think about your relationship in that way at the time which is why it takes him some time to realise it. 

The day it happened you two hadn't been doing anything you'd just had a chill day at home together catching up on little jobs that needed doing around the house that has slipped through the cracks with how busy you both were. You'd spent all day doing things together so when the evening comes around you both naturally drift towards the kitchen together to make dinner. You teach Gavi how to make his favourite dinner from scratch and he helps you make it the best thing he's ever tasted. After dinner you watch a movie together with snacks and drinks which halfway through the movie Gavi goes to refill but because it's dark in the room he stubs his toe on the coffee table right in front of the sofa. The first thing you do is laugh before you realise that's not the way you should react and you start asking if he's ok while stifling your laughter. 

For some reason you laughing while asking if he was ok is what made him realise that you were exactly who he was meant to spend the rest of the way his life with. That is exactly how he would react if someone he was close to did what he did because he knows if he's close to someone you can joke about silly things like that. To him the fact that you felt comfortable enough to let your inner thoughts take over made him realise you were special. You still cared about him but you didn't feel like you had to act a certain way around him which made him happy and that's what made it hit him that you were special. He wants the person he chooses the spend his life with the feel like they can be themselves at all times and he knows that you are that person know even if he had to stub his toe to realise it. 


Pedri never thought that he'd find the one for him when he entered into his first serious relationship with you. He didn't think he wanted a serious relationship at his age until he met you so really it should've been obvious that you were someone special but he didn't let himself think about that for a while. It took him a long time before he started thinking about how much he really loved you but once he did it didn't take too long for him to confront the fact he was in love with you. He knew he was in love with you for a while before he realised that you were the one for him as he didn't know what that would feel like until he let himself feel it. 

For the second year running you joined Pedri in Tenerife over summer which has been so nice as you've both spent most of your days out in the sun just enjoying each other's company. You have also spent time with his family including a family get together where more of his extended family will be some of whom you haven't met yet. To start with you weren't sure if you should go as it's supposed to be for the family to all see each other but Pedri told you that you were more than welcome and his parents insisted that you were part of the family. As soon as you get there you fit in straight away and everyone loves you within minutes. This is no real surprise to Pedri but it still warms his heart to see you getting along with all of his family. He makes sure to stay by your side for most of the day just incase you get uncomfortable or need a break but at some point he gets dragged away from you. When he's finally free to get back to you he sees you happily sat with a group of his family members smiling and freely talking to them. 

Seeing that makes him feel a sense of overwhelming love for you which he's felt many times before. As the day goes on that feeling only gets stronger and it hits him like a ton of bricks that the things he's feeling are because you are the one for him. He knows that he's never going to feel those feelings for anyone else as he doesn't think it's possible to love anyone more than he loves you. He also doesn't want to love anyone the way he loves you which is how he knows that you are the one. The feeling scares him a little but he knows that if he's going to explore these feelings with anyone he wants to do it with you just like he does with everything else in life. 

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