A Hero is born+Y/n's story-1

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Third's POV:

Once upon a time, in a distant kingdom called the "Western realm" were all the supreme deities lived, two sister followers of Buddha were ones of them, the first was Guanyin, goddess of mercy and kindness, and Jīn Huā, the huli jin goddess of hope and fortune, one day, Huā fell deeply in love with a huli jin warrior called Jiān Yá, he was know as the "Eight tail warrior of west", they got married and after a few months she was pregnant, a grand sage have told them that they future child would bring luck and fortune to the kingdom the moment it was born, and he was right.

The princess born with golden eyes, honey shiny hair and skin peach colored, but the most important, she have nine tails, something extremely rare for a huli jin, and as the sage have predicted, the princess brought lots of fortune, health and joy to the realm, she received the name Xìngyùn Jīn that mean "lucky gold", she also received the bless of Buddha himself after her first birthday, she has the talent to melt the heart even of the most cold and bloody warrior, as the daughter of a warrior and a goddess, her powers were way beyond a normal huli, but she never liked using violence, she's the perfect example of a pacifist, believing that everything could be resolved with words instead of physical fight.

Sometimes she and her parents go to the celestial realm to visit the other deities and to have important dinners, in one of those visits, when she was a kid, she meet for the first time, he, self proclaimed great sage equal to heaven, Sun Wukong, aka the monkey king. He was annoying some of the celestial knights, who were, unsuccessfully trying to stop him, when Xìngyùn came closer carrying some fruits in a little basket, he almost stumbled on her but dodge right in time and crashed into a tree, the princess immediately run to him worried, despite the warns of the knights for her to stay away from him, when she come closer the simian growled threatening, but she didn't see a bit scared, she got a peach from her basket and offered to him "want one?" She asked innocently, Wukong looked skeptical about this but eventually accepted the fruit.

While the great sage eat the peach, Xìngyùn lift her hand towards his head, the monkey notice and backed away hissing, "it's ok, i'm not gonna hurt you!" She said gesturing with her hands, the monkey was surprised at her persistence and despite doubting her intentions he let her pet him, surprisingly, the great sage calm down and melted in her touch, the knights didn't believe what their eyes see, the simian was lay down in the ground, his head on the princess's lap and purring like a cat.

For that day on, Wukong started to appear at the celestial realm more often to visit the little princess, it started slowly, first he just observed her and sometimes accepted any gift she offered him, but eventually his heart started to melt until he realize that he liked, no, he LOVED stay close to her, he never thought he would feel that way towards someone, except his monkeys. One day he kind of "kidnap" her and brought she to flower fruit mountain, he wander around showing her everything, she loved, she even get to meet his friend/brother Macaque, Xìngyùn was absolutely amazed by his six ears who were different colors, even if he thought they are ugly, she say they were beautiful and unique.

After Wukong's imprisonment under the mountain for 500 years by Buddha, he became more bitter towards everyone as ever, Xìngyùn always visited him and sometimes she bring fruits so he won't starve, despite his bitterness and mean words towards her, she never talked back or stop visiting him, she only sat and heard all his frustrations without talking back. Always keeping a smile at her face and comforting him like a professional therapist, she was his salvation from freaking out.

During the journey to the west, the pilgrims sometimes get visits of Guanyin along with her niece, the monk Triptaka liked to talk with Xìngyùn since they have alike thoughts, he also liked the fact that when she was around, Wukong always behaved and barely show any violence, but one day, a tragedy happened...

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