Noodles or Death+Wukong's anxiety

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Tang's POV:

It was market day, and Tang, Pigsy and Y/n were going shopping for ingredients and supplies, Tang saw this as a opportunity for he and Pigsy spend time with Y/n too, but it wasn't being too funny as he expected as Pigsy was in the search to find the "perfect carrot", making their trip very boring.

"Ho ho, now this is a beautiful carrot! Couple more finds of this baby and we're golden!" Pigsy said excitedly, Tang groan while holding Y/n's hand
"Looks the same as the last 20.000 carrots we've looked at!" Tang said as he grabbed the carrot to take a look
"Car...rot!" Y/n said pointing her little finger at it, Tang looked down at her and smile
"Great job sugar cube! You learn fast!" Tang said, Y/n smiled proudly, she was slowly learning to talk more, she can't spell full sentences yet but she already know the name of several things, but for some reason she never say people's names.

"Yeah, and she sure has more interest than you in culinary! But of course, wouldn't expect you to appreciate a fine carrot like this, you ain't a genius like me!" Pigsy laughed as Tang rolled his eyes, they continued walking as Tang noticed several people looking at Y/n with admiration, it wasn't a surprise anymore, after all is not everyone who is blessed with rare golden eyes and honey hair, she also was wearing other different outfit this day

"My, my, my you both are making quite a scene, looking to buy some ingredients, something tasty, you've come to the right place!" A weird woman said with a smirk as she blow a kiss to Tang, who cringed back"Huh, actually, we were in our way right ...

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"My, my, my you both are making quite a scene, looking to buy some ingredients, something tasty, you've come to the right place!" A weird woman said with a smirk as she blow a kiss to Tang, who cringed back
"Huh, actually, we were in our way right now so, let's go Pigsy, Y/n you too!" Tang said grabbing Y/n's hand, that's when the women finally noticed the girl
"Oh! What a beautiful girl you've got here!" She said looking Y/n right in the eyes, which makes she shiver.

"Yeahhh, thanks... So were in our way now and, Pigsy?" Tang looked at the pig man and saw him all lovey with the weird woman
"Y-You are selling beautiful vegetables today?" Pigsy sutter while blushing, Tang looked at the balcony and say there has almost no vegetables
"Are you blind?" He deadpanned
"That's right sugar, this is the finest store in the whole market! Why don't you come around and take a look at my exclusive wears?" The woman suggested getting a couple more glares at Y/n.

"Ooh, I'd love to!" Pigsy said excitedly, Tang tried to stop him but no avail, suddenly, a trap door activate as the three fell down, the woman laughed and smirked

"So the princess is really back... Perfect ~"


Third's POV:

Mei and Sandy were down the Sea-crate HQ, Mei was playing monkey mech
"Hey, you think it's weird we don't spend much time in the Sea-crate base? Like, we haven't been down here for weeks!" Sandy commented
"Yeah, and if you think about it, do we really need to be down here right now?" Mei answered, when suddenly MK barged in painting heavily
"Guys!! Pigsy's missing!" He exclaimed as the both looked at him.

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