Monkeys and foxes🦊✖🐵

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Summary: The gang finally meets Y/n's guardians, along with a intimate friend of Scarlet, but it also can lead to some...misunderstanding between Wukong and a grumpy guardian;


Third's POV:

MK decided to present Scarlet to the whole gang after the incident with the bull family and the spider queen, so he got to her desert shop one day to invite her over.

"Scarlet? Are you there?" He called entering the shop, he found her talking with someone at the balcony, she looked over, noticing him
"Oh! Hey MK!" She waved at him
"Hey Scarlett, who is-" he was about to ask about the girl, but when she turned around, he paralyzed
"...That" It was the most beautiful girl he ever saw, big brown hair, chocolate colored eyes, and clear skin, she stared at him and smiled.

"This is Natalie! She's one of my best friends, she is from United states, but her family is here on vacation!" Scarlet explained, putting a arm around Natalie's shoulders
"Hi!" Natalie said, but MK kept paralyzed, looking at her
"Uh, MK?" Scarlet called, taking MK out of his trance
"Wha? Oh! Uh, y-yeah is nice to meet you beauty,- i-i-i mean Natalie!" MK shuttered, his face red, both girls laughed.

"Oh Scarlett, you didn't told me this friend of yours was hilarious!" Natalie said getting close to mk
"Hey there, i'm Natalie Emily Wolve's!" She stended her hand to him
"M-MK..." He said shaking her hand, feeling his face heat up as their hands made contact
"Ah, you're the Monkie kid right? I've heard a lot about you, you're the one who received the monkey king's staff, right?" Natalie asked, which MK nodded.

"Yup!" He summon the staff to show her
"Only me, and monkey king of course, can wield it!" He said proudly
"That's awesome!" She squealed, Scarlet cleaned her throat to call their attention
"Aham! MK, i believe you came here to tell me something, riiight?" She questioned
"Oh! Yes, yes, of course, i just wanted to know if you want to go to Pigsy's noodles so you can meet everyone, and maybe...bring your friend along too, i mean, if she wants of course!" He said, secretly hoping she would accept.

"Oh, sure! I was going to take a day off anyway, what do you say Natalie?" Scarlet asked her friend
"That would be awesome, i always wanted to try noodles!" Natalie said
"Yay! I mean, Aham, so..should we go then?" MK suggest
"Let's goo!" Both girls cheered.

Scarlet closed the shop and the three prepared to go, they talked along the way and MK couldn't take his eyes off Natalie, he never felt anything like that before, is that what they at first sight?


Y/n's POV:

You were sitting on a chair while watching your uncle Pigsy work, and argue with Tang like always, you stared at your medallion, your guardians were still inactive for a month, you knew you shouldn't worry, but you couldn't help it.

Soon, your brother MK entered the shop with Scarlet and another pretty girl
"Hey guys! I wanted to present you to my new friend Scarlet, and, her friend Natalie too!" He said as both girls waved politely
"Oh my, such pretty girls you two are!" Tang said, Natalie and Scarlet giggled and thanked him
"Thank you, mister..." Natalie started
"Oh, i'm Mr.Tang, but you can call me Tang if you want to!" He said taking a sip from his bowl
"And i'm Pigsy, the best noodle chef you'll ever meet!" Pigsy said proudly.

"And this little cutie pie right here is Y/n!" Tang pointed to you, you hid your face shyly, not because of Scarlet though, but because of Natalie
"Oh my gosh, she's such a precious girl!" Natalie rushed to you, taking a good look at your face
"Ah..!" You hid your face in your hands again, Natalie giggled in awe
"Aww, we have a shy one, don't we?" She said in a soft tone
"Scarlet did mention something about you being cute, but you're just so gorgeous!" She said admiring your honey hair and golden eyes.

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