Kidnapped+the truth is revealed😱🦊

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(Hey people, i decided to make head canon chapter and other stuff until the chapters i like more and, yeahhh<3)

Summary:Y/n, Mei and MK were at a arcade when one of the bull robots kidnap Y/n and took her to the house of the demon bull king, where she finally meet the demon bull family, not only she is able to melt their hearts, but a secret about her past is finally revealed;


Third's POV:

Y/n, Mei and MK were at the arcade, after the mess with MK's clones the other day, they really needed a break, especially MK, Y/n didn't understand nothing about games, so she just stay aside watching them play, which Mei was giving MK quite of a beating.

"Haha, give up MK, i told you couldn't beat me in this game!" Mei teased her friend, MK groaned as he tried to gain control of the situation
"Aw c'mon, c'mon, you totally cheated this time!" MK exclaimed as Mei laughed, Y/n was sitting in a bank while drinking water from her little cup that she brought with her, she was so concentrate on the game she didn't notice a dark figure watching from behind her, then he got closer and suddenly grabbed her from behind covering her mouth, she tried to fight back.

She bitted the stranger's hand but notice it was to hard like... Metal? She look up and froze, it was one of the bull clones that were destroying the city weeks ago, she was so scared she couldn't even scream and the clone continued covering her mouth, something she also notice is that one of his horns were inverted.

The clone disappeared between the persons, but accidentally let his nose ring fell, while that, Mei managed to finally beat MK
"Yeahhh! I told you I'll win!" Mei celebrate while MK groaned in annoyance
"Ugh! This game is lame!" He crossed his arms and kicked the ground
"Hehe, just admit i'm better than you!" Mei mocked putting an arm around his shoulder
"Humph! Whatever, i was getting tired of gaming anyways, actually, i was planning in taking Y/n to the frozen yogurt shop we discovered yesterday, right Lil bean?" MK asked, but got no answer.

"Lil bean?" Both MK and Mei turned around and see Y/n was nowhere to be seen
"Huh?! Where- where is she?!" MK looked around frantically
"But, she was right here, and we told her to not go anywhere without us!" Mei exclaimed as she also start looking for Y/n with MK.

"Hey MK!" A voice called after them, the both teenagers turned around to see Scarlet waving at them
"Scarlet? What are you doing here?" MK asked forgetting about the situation for a second
"Oh! I closed up the shop earlier today and decided to visit the arcade for a while!" Scarlet explained
"Uh, MK, who is that?" Mei asked from behind him.

"Oh! Sorry, this is Scarlet, i met her yesterday when me and Y/n were at-" MK started explained when he remembered their problem
"Holly Magatinian Nuts!! Look Scarlet i'm sorry i'd love to chat but we are in the middle of a crisis right now! Y/n is missing!" MK exclaimed as he start to hyperventilate
"*Gasp* seriously?! That's terrible! Poor little one!" Scarlet express her concern.

"Oh no! If Pigsy, Tang and Sandy find out about this, they'll definitely kill us!" Mei start biting her nails nervously and MK keep hyperventilating
"Ok, ok, you both must calm down first, so c'mon, breath in.." Scarlet instructed, Mei and MK follow her advice and breath in
".. And breath out!" She say as they breath out, calming down
"There, are you more calmer now?" Scarlet asked as the both nodded.

"Good! Now, tell me what happened and maybe i can help you!" The two teens didn't know exactly where to star
"Well... We were just playing video game and she was sitting in the bench, we told her to stay there and not leave without permission, she's usually very obedient so i really doubt she did it on purpo-" MK said when was suddenly interrupted
"Hang on! What is that?" Mei pointed to the floor behind them, a gold ring was laying in the ground, MK go close to it and grabbed.

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