New teacher, Old friend🦊🐒

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(Warning: this happens after the events of "Bad weather", i'm gonna jump some chapters and make some of my own because i personally don't like some of the episodes of the 1° season, oh yeah, and one more thing, the only ship i will put in this book for now is the "Dragonfruit", and you can be sure there's gonna be NO "Shadowpeach", I'm sorry for the fans of it but unfortunately, i'm not a supporter of this ship, please no hate, i know a good part of the fans love this ship, but it makes me uncomfortable, i really hope you guys understand, that's it, byeeee<3)

Y/n's POV:

It has been some days since the defeat of the demon bull king and his family, your life had changed a lot, you were practically adopted by Sandy, he even made a room just for you, sometimes you two visit Pigsy's restaurant.

It took some time, but eventually, you started to like your new family, yes.. You considered them your family, your guardians never let their presence be know until now since they haven't sensed any bad intentions from them. You soon found a common language with MK, you both liked to draw and to help Pigsy in the restaurant, he became like a big brother figure for you, Mei also became a big sister too, the thing she loved the most is to dress you with cute outfits then take photos to post on her blog, you didn't mind, besides, the outfits were really comfy.

Pigsy, Tang and Sandy become your "fathers", they were worried at the fact you only have 3 years but lived in the streets, so they always looked after you, you liked the fact that there has so many people that cared for you.

One day, MK was preparing to leave again to flower fruit mountain, he has been doing it for the last few days, he said it's because he is training with monkey king, although you never get the chance to meet him personally
"Hey MK, going to train with monkey king again?" Mei asked while showing you the puppy videos
"Yeah, I'm kinda late actually, see you guys later!" He said about to leave, when he looked at you and have an idea
"So, hum, i was thinking this time, maybe i could take Y/n with me!" MK said, Pigsy, Tang, you and Mei jolted in surprise.

"Wha- are you crazy kid?! Do you remember how dangerous was for us to get there the first time?!" Pigsy exclaimed while Tang nodded
"Yeah, i know, but this is not a problem anymore, because now i have THIS!" MK showed the staff, the others only shared stares while MK continue
"C'mon guys, it'll be fine, besides, Y/n didn't get the chance to meet monkey king yet, i promise I'll be careful!" MK assured, Pigsy let out a sigh and rubbed his temples
"Alright!" He said, making everyone surprise
"It is!?" Tang asked.

"Yes, but if she get hurt you're gonna be in so much trouble!" Pigsy said sternly, MK smile widely and come up to you
"Let's go little bean, you'll love it i promise!" He said, you innocently took his hand as he hoped you on his lap, then he grabbed his staff and it magically stretch taking you two in the air
"Ah!" You yelled clutching to MK for dear life
"Don't worry! I never will let you fall!" He said smiling, it makes you feel safer, so you just hugged him as you both made your way towards the island.


Y/n's POV:

You both arrived at the mountain as MK placed you down, the travel to get here was very "hardcore", but you end up liking the experience.

"Well, here we are!" MK said, you looked around the island and have a strange feeling, this place was... Familiar, but you were pretty sure you never came here before
"C'mon, Monkey king is waiting for us!" He take your hand and you both start walking towards monkey king's house, while you're admiring the nature, you both stop in front of a waterfall, MK use his powers to unlock the magical barrier.

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