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"Hey Bailey, did you really decline the email that Webber sent." Callie asked.

"Yes, I did because I'm not going."

"You are really going to turn down an excuse for a vacation?"

"With my co-workers, yes," Miranda retorted.

" Bailey, just come. It can be a vacation. We can sit by the beach, read, and do a little tourism. The only thing you ever did in California was help Addison. You can visit the rest of the cities"

"Uh, I'll think about it,"

Miranda scrubbed in to do her surgery and was met with Richard, who was waiting on her. "I got your email, but I don't accept. This is supposed to be a bonding activity for everyone."

"If all of us are in California bonding. Who is going to be here running the hospital."

"The other employees, duh," Richard remarked.

"Well, who all did you invite anyway?"

"Just our regular crew. Altman, Torres. Grey, Robbins, Yang, Karev, Shepherd, Warren, Sloan, and

"Wait, Warren?"

"The doctor who let my patient wake up. Uh uh,"

"Give him a chance. He works well with the guys. We all went out, and he seemed like a good person."

"Mmm, I'll go on this trip, only because you are paying."

"I didn't say that," he retorted.

"Oh, I thought you were paying for me, seeing as how. You marketed it as a bonding activity for work."

Richard sighed. "Don't tell anyone else I'm paying for yours."

"I won't say a word, chief." Miranda saluted.

Two months later, the gang arrived in California at the L.A. beach house.

"This is nice, Webber," Meredith said as Derek carried their bags.

"I agree," Miranda responded, looking around.

"It's late, so I was thinking that we could eat dinner and then go to bed and start fresh tomorrow on the activities and events."

"What do you all have in mind ?" Callie asked.

"Italian," Teddy mentioned.

"I'm down for that," Arizona agreed.

"We can order take out, dinner's on me." Sloan said

Sloan ordered iltalian catering, and everyone went upstairs in their rooms to unpack before making their way back downstairs into the living room.

Ben had been looking at Miranda since they arrived. He had to admit that she was a beautiful woman. He thought that two months ago when the O.R. mishap happened.

Neither of them have said a word to the other since.

"I guess I should introduce myself officially. I am doctor B- " Ben started as he stood in front of her.

"I really don't care for your name, Doctor Warren. What I know about you is enough." She replied, cutting him off and ignoring his hand shake.

"Bailey lighten up mistakes happen," Richard voiced.

"Plus, I already explained that it was not my fault. Mistakes did not happen on my end." Ben responded with a now pointed attitude.

"I don't make mistakes, period." She voiced.

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