"Hey, where were you?" Callie asked.

"I just needed a breath of air. So I walked down the beach." Miranda lied.

"Oh, okay. We all were trying to decide what would be the last activity we could do tomorrow since it's our last day here."

"Oh okay um I'm not opposed to anything."

"What about the zoo?" Arizona suggested.

"I have a friend who works at UCLA, and they are letting us tour the facility and watch a surgery. He has a contest for us surgerons that morning, and whoever wins get to jump in on their groundbreaking surgery that day."

Miranda perked up. "That's much better than the zoo," she chimed.

"But what about Ben. He's an anesthesiologist, so he can't participate in that." Miranda spoke, crossing her arms.

"Oh right," Webber sighed.

"I could stay home with him." Miranda stated, not believing the words that just came out of her own mouth. She was giving up a groundbreaking surgery for the man.

She had to really like him. He just snuck his way into her heart.
"Really Bailey?" Callie questioned with a smirk.

Miranda looked at Richard and then avoided his eyes. He very well knew why. Already catching them doing something they had no business doing out in the open.

"Yeah, I'm sure. Turns out he's really sweet, and we like the same movies. So I'm sure we can find something to keep us busy." Miranda answered.

"That's so nice." Arizona remarked.

"Thank you. You know I can be sweet."

"Only when there is a motive," Richard said, and Miranda eyed him blushing again.

"He might even like the zoo idea. Or may the aquarium," Callie suggested.

"Yep, I will ask him and see what he wants to do to fill the time. He liked the boat and can drive it. So maybe we could spend the day on the water."

"Alright, that's settled. We will be out from the morning until 5 pm."

Miranda nodded with a smirk, her insides already tingling. She caught Ben walking up the stairs out the corner of her eye, and she was ready to get up there to be with him again.

"I'm going to call it a night then. If I sleep in tomorrow morning, I will see you all when you get back. Good night, everyone."

"Goodnight, Bailey." Richard replied.

Miranda walked up the stairs and into her bedroom. She smiled widely, locking her door as she looked at Ben sitting on the blanket.

She joined him and crossed her legs to the side. "Thanks again,"

"It was no problem. So finish telling me about you." Ben encouraged.

"Okay, I'll start at high school." She responded, getting ready to tell him her while life story.

The two stayed up most of the night talking before indulging in a quickie, then climbed into bed to sleep the morning away.

Miranda looked at the clock when she woke up and saw it was 12 noon.

"You're awake," Ben whispered.

"Uh huh, and I'm hungry."

"I can order us brunch, and we can shower before it comes. What's on the agenda today."

"Everyone is gone for today until 5. I was thinking we could go to the zoo or the aquarium, a boat ride, or spend the day in bed." She listed sitting up and pulling the sheet around her naked breast.

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