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Miranda woke up to a knocking at the door. She sat up, well tried to the best she could with Ben laying on her stomach.

"Bailey," Callie called out.

Miranda eyes widen as everything registered. "Just a minute," she called out, her voice kinda hoarse.

"Shit," she cursed. "Ben, get up," she whispered loudly, shaking him.

"Hmmm?" He questioned sleepily. "Good- " Ben started, but Miranda pressed a finger to his lips.

"Bailey, are you good,"

"I'm fine. I just need a minute."

Miranda snapped her fingers, silently directing Ben to either the closet or under her bed. Ben groaned and just rolled under her bed. It was quicker than finding clothes and everything.

Miranda smoothed the bed and pulled the sheets up on her naked frame.

"Uh, come in,"

Callie and Arizona walked into her room and sat on the bed.

"Sorry, I was still sleeping when you knocked." She said nervously.

"You slept in late. You are normally up by 6. It's 9."

"Well, it was a long night," Miranda replied and then inwardly cursed why did she say that.

"You sleep naked."

"Some times," she responded, pulling the sheets up on her more.

"How was last night?"


"The date?"

"Although, it looks like it was a sex date," Arizona laughed.

Miranda was confused until she looked across the room in the mirror. Her hair was a curly mess.

"Oh, it was nothing like that," Miranda waved off.

"Whose boxers are those ?" Callie asked, pointing to the ones on the floor in the bathroom.

Miranda's eyes widened, and she placed her face in her hand.

"They are mine," she lied. " I sometimes wear them at night because they are more comfortable than underwear."

"Bailey,  why are you trying to fool us? Your room is right next to ours, and around midnight, you were loud as hell, and the headboard was slamming into the wall, disturbing our peaceful sleep and then again at 3 this morning."

Miranda groaned she told Ben to go back to sleep at three this morning, but as always, one thing led to another, and her legs were resting on his shoulder as he thrusted into her.

"Okay, I had sex last night and this morning, but does it require an interrogation."

"Well, how was it?"

"Um. It was honestly the best sex of my life. I love every single moment of it." Miranda told them as she put her feet on the floor. She was almost startled when she felt something against her foot and realized Ben was still under her bed. Ben smirked he knew that she did not tell one lie about their sex.

"You know who I think would be good for you?"


"Dr Warren."

"Really?" Miranda asked incredulously.

"Yes really, he's a doctor, he would understand your hours and he's wealthy."

"It's not like I am hard up for cash," Miranda giggled.
"I'm going through a divorce. I don't have time for any of that."

"But he's so handsome."

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