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Miranda woke up the next morning and opened her eyes slowly. She wasn't fully registering much until she heard snoring.

Sitting up a little, Miranda turned her head and saw Ben asleep. He was lying on his stomach, and the sheets hung off his lower back.

Miranda looked down at herself and saw the naked state she was in. "Dammmm," she whispered to herself.

She really had sex with him. Sliding out of bed carefully, avoiding waking him, she tiptoed around his room. Looking for her panties and nightgown.

She found her nightgown but had no clue where her panties were. Deciding to leave them for now, she quietly opened his door and hurried down the hall to her room.

Shutting the door quickly, she put her back against it.

"Oh my god," she blew out a breath.
"Really, Miranda," she chastised palming her forehead.

She walked to her bathroom and turned the shower on. Taking a shower, she couldn't help but think about last night and part of the early morning. They went at it until the sun began to rise.

It was the most stupid but best thing she had ever done. Why was he that good. No matter how good he was, she couldn't do it again. She couldn't make a habit of sleeping with strangers and co-workers. This was messy and truly not like her.

Ben woke up and stretched. He expected to see Miranda laying next to him and was disappointed she was gone. It was expected. He should have known she would be gone. She was so scared about someone catching them or hearing them. He knew she'd flee so no one would know she was here.

Shaking his head, he smiled. Why was that the best sex of his life. Everything was so good. It was good downstairs but great upstairs when he laid her on his bed.

She clawed and scratched his back up, the stings just now registering as he moved. Her hushed moans were everything.

He thought she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Hell, if it wasn't for Leslie's body metabolizing the drugs way too fast, he would have been convinced he messed up because he was so busy staring at her. The clinical journal was just a cover-up.

Ben got up to take a shower. He dressed before straighting up his bed. Taking the sheets and putting them in the basket for housekeeping. He looked over as Miranda's panties hit the floor.

"Dam," Ben groaned, looking at them as memories of last night flashed through his mind.

He smiled mischievously as he picked them up and walked down the hall to her room. Ben knocked on the door 3 times and waited.

Miranda opened her door to see Ben smilling. Her eyes widened as she quickly closed the door.

"Wait, I think these belong to you," Ben whispered.

Miranda shook her head. She knew he was referring to her black panties. She sighed and opened the door and grabbed them out of his hand.

"Good morning, Miranda,"

"Good morning, Dr. Warren."

Ben looked her up and down. He wanted her in every way possible on every surface. It was torture to wait any length in time.

" We're back to this? You called me baby last night,"

"Because I was at the height of pleasure, please, I'll call anyone baby, honey, hell husband, if they were providing me with that."

"Well, I'm glad it was me,"

"I'm sure you are. Count it as an honor and a privilege. Now excuse me," she voiced, closing the door.

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