A Painful Return

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Last paragraph of Under the Oak (Book 1):  Her heart broke at the thought of Riftan who had kept this letter for so long. At the same time, a deep sense of relief flooded her, knowing that he also missed her. Max held out the worn out letter to her heart...

She had faded in and out between sobs and snivels. Covering her head with a pillow, afraid of alerting Rudis or even worse, a knight. She wouldn't have to worry about Yulysion. He was alerting her abroad husband as she wept in their shared bedroom. The walls seemed to grow, the fire turned cold without his warmth. 


Knock, Knock

Sudden sounds hushed at the door as her emotions flung from her heart to her brain. Max wiped the tears that drenched her rosy round cheeks as she breathed in deeply,

"Enter p-please."

She spoke as she imagined a proper lady would do. Mentally she punched herself for stuttering out. No matter how hard she tried, it never failed to embarrass her. 

With her command, Rudis and two other kitchen maids entered. Hastily preparing her dinner on her table. Rudis, however observed Maxi closely, not moving. 

Her sympathetic trailed Maxi as the lady looked down at herself in shame. 

She was aware of the gaze Rudis was interrogating her with. Not quite interrogating but it felt as if. Suffocating, like the gaze of the help in Croix Castle. Some looked at her with pity, some with disgust. Either which one was unwelcome by the lady. She couldn't help but feel insecure under others gaze.

The silence was broken as one of the two kitchen maids lifted the silver cloche that covered her food.  A lamb leg sat in the middle of the plate, surrounded by fruits and greens. A loaf of bread with salted butter melting on it, sat steaming near to a pitcher of herbal tea. The other maid cleared her throat as she bowed,

"I apologize on behalf of the kitchen for not meeting the lady's satisfaction. Since your departure to Nornui the kitchen has returned to making food for the Remdragon's acquired taste."

Max opened her mouth but a squeak left her throat. She couldn't talk without almost bursting out in tears with the reminder of her absency. Her skin flared the color of her hair as she stared blankly at her feet. Rudis ushered the maids out as they gave their final bow as they left.

Rudis stayed. 

She sat Max in the chair closest to her table as she grabbed a comb. Not saying anything, her motherly hands rapped around Maxi's unruly curls and brushed through them softly.

There were too many reminders, reminders of Riftan, reminders of her mother. Or lack of a mother. Max savored the feeling of Rudis' gentle hands in her hair as tears quietly ran down her face.

For the first time in her life, she wanted someone other than Riftan to stay by her side. To comfort her.

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