Scary Truths

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Max couldn't herself as she snooped around the warm. She longed to know more about her husband. More than what he liked and disliked. He had given her a lick of his past. 

'What else happened to him? Was he hiding something from her?'

Paranoid, she searched around the room frantically. 

She knew when Riftan had told her about his past he was trying to get her to stay. Maybe to stop her from leaving like his biological father leaving a spouse behind and depressed? Max wasn't stupid, she could connect dots in Nornui. But she was oblivious. 

She shakes as she scanned the room for more place. Under the bed, in every drawer, in every chest. Nothing. Roy and Ron crawled around her feet meowing loudly at her. She drew herself in an armchair by the fire. Her hair now a mess as she put her face in her hands. 

A sigh of defeat escapes her lips.

'Does he really not bother to place any of his personal belongings in our bedroom?'

Max's thoughts slowed for a minutes, re-mincing on the word bedroom. 

'Truly enough, he had to keep them somewhere. So what about his office? The office he hid from her in whilst one of their biggest fights sprawled out? Where he would flee when important work needed to be done? His Possible his safe place.'

She sprung to feet, walking fast to the tall doors. Reacing out for the doorknob and quickly stepping out of the room. She leaned aganist the door, sighing deeply as if she was suffocating in the room.

She looked left, then right, observing the hallways for any knight or maid that would try to guide her. She knew no one would let her in Riftan's office. Not unless Riftan was there.

She skillfully dreaded down the hallways. Looking around every corner for a possible adversary. She shook as she neared closer to his quarters until stood face to face with the wooden doors. Her hand, that seemed to grow 10 pounds heaver, slowly reaching for the doorknob. In her head, she hoped to find a piece of intel, but another part of her wasn't ready for his truths. She gripped the dark steel handle sets ebfore applying force.


She sighed as the shameful act of trying to inquire information about her husband hit her. 

"Lady Calypse!" An eager voice shouted down the hall. "What are you doing by the Commander's quarters?" 

"O-o-oh! I t-thought these w-were the i-infirmary d-doors!" She lied quickly stammering.

"I will guide you to the infirmary myself. It seems the Lady may have forg-"

"NO! I-I would n-never forget m-my own h-home! The infirmary is d-down the hall and to t-the left."

"...Well then, I guess you... do remember?" 


"It is alright My Lady, I'll inform your nanny of your absence."

"Thank you Sir Lovar."

"Please, call me Yulysion! Allow me to guide you to the infirmary."

"The infirmary is... right around the corner."

"Indeed, but I'm afraid I would like to burden you with more detail from yesterdays conversation."

"Oh! No worries."

"M'Lady I sent a telegram to the lord. He has demanded your expedition to be stopped until the Remdragon knights were here to guide your group of wizards."

Max nervously bit her lip allowing Yulysion to continues.

"However, Mage Calto has refused the offer due to the Remdragon knight's affiliation with Mage Ruth.  Besides, even if he was to accept the invitation there is no telling as to when the knights would return. Your group can not sacrifice any time."

My Own Book 2 (Under The Oak Tree)Where stories live. Discover now