About the OCs and the Story

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Draven Stark: is the eldest child of Eddard Stark and Catelyn Stark, he is only a year older than his brother Robb. Draven and Robb make every part of what they do together a competition especially when they were growing up. When Sansa was born Draven vouched right then and there that he would do anything and everything for his sister no matter the cost. Draven loves his family and he is super close with all of them, but that changed a bit when Ned brought home Jon Snow his bastard son. Draven loves Jon and treats him no differently, the two became inseparable a dynamic duo of sorts, and then with Robb, it just became more chaotic. With Jon being brought to Winterfell Draven could see that his mother was not happy, he could go on to say that she did not like Jon Snow at all. That put a strain on their relationship as Draven saw the way his mother treated his brother. Draven was and is never afraid to stand up to anyone when it comes to his loved ones. That was proven even further when the rest of the Stark children were born. Draven taught Arya how to shoot a bow and he taught Bran how to climb but there was one thing Draven could never do and that was form some kind of connection with Rickon his youngest brother. Draven has spent most of his life when growing up training with his Father Ned, whether it was bow and arrow, swordsmanship, hand-to-hand, spear skills, dagger throwing, or horseback riding he did it all with his father. The two were very close, and Draven is not only skilled in forms of combat but is very well educated in battle strategy, history, navigation, survival skills, and sailing. He's well taught in languages as well, ranging from old Valaryian to Dorthraki if need be, thanks to his mother who told him "If you're going to follow in your father's and your grandfather's footsteps you need an education." He may have hated it growing up but he thanks his mother to this day for it. 

Charles Baelish: is the son of the one and only Petyr Baelish but his mother is unknown. Charles has grown up as his father's protege, he knows the ins and outs of all that happens in the realm of Westeros. But instead of being like his father who has earned the title of Littlefinger for the deeds he completes throughout the show, Charles is nothing like that he has honor and compassion for other people, and that's why he became Lyanna's personal guard. His dad does truly love him though and would do anything to see his son happy. Charles is around the same age as Draven only just a couple of months younger than the Stark boy and a year older than Lyanna, he and Draven do become closer friends along their journeys learning to help each other along the way. 

Lyanna Baratheon: is the one true heir to the Iron Throne after her father's demise, as she is the only true child of Robert and Cersei. Lyanna has a secret though, something that is not common in the world she lives in, and as royalty, she has to go an extra length to hide it. But even though Lyanna is the eldest only by a few years as her brother Joffery sits on the iron throne she can't help but feel that it is her right and her place. When Draven comes to Kings Landing with Ned. Lyanna and Draven become closer as they share a passion for knowledge. When Lyanna was younger she met Charles one day at the palace she couldn't help but feel a connection to the boy, and the two became fast friends, and only then did they realize that is what it would only ever be. The two became like brother and sister protecting one another, and covering for each other, but it would not be enough to hide from Charles's father. 

Evander Bolton: is the eldest son of Roose Bolton. Evander not sharing the same beliefs as his father and hating his bastard brother Ramsay, he decided to leave the North and travel South to King's Landing where he squired for Jaime Lannister and that's how he met Lyanna. Much like Charles Evander became one of Lyanna's close friends and most trustworthy companions. When he finally turned sixteen he was anointed a knightship, he immediately joined the City Watch rather than the Kingsguard like Charles, giving Lyanna not only the loyalty of the City Watch but with Charles in the Kingsguard she also had theirs. The two groups may be charged with protecting the royal family and the capital, but they come and go at Lyanna's command due to her friend's high ranks. Evander is the same age as Charles they became knights together and pledged their loyalty to the Princess together.

Alayne Bolton: is the younger sister of Evander and the older sister of Ramsay. Much like her older brother, she wanted to escape from her father and bastard brother to King's Landing. So when Evander went so did she, Alayne left not because she didn't share the same views as her father or dislike her younger brother, she left because she was too similar to the pair. Alayne felt that if she stayed in the North she would become cold and crazed like Ramsay but she still respected her father. She still receives Ravens from the man asking her to come home, he believes that once he dies she will be the one to succeed him. Roose didn't trust Ramsay and he was a bastard, Evander had given up all claim when he became a knight so it left her for the inheritance which always made her feel unworthy. When Alayne came to King's Landing she immersed herself in studies and training, that's where she met Lyanna, on the training grounds one day. Alayne became one of Lyanna's most trusted friends, leading her spy network with Charles's help.

About the Story

  let's just say that there is going to be some betrayal here, like in typical GOT fashion. Oh and if anyone does decide to read this story somehow, it does contain torture, smut, language, violence, and all that good stuff. Any chapter marked with ** will have smut in it somewhere. Any chapter marked with * will contain torture.

Anyways Enjoy!

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