Chapter 8: Home Sweet Home

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 EXT.King's Landing

POV-3rd Person

As Lyanna and Charles entered the bustling streets of King's Landing, the heart of the Seven Kingdoms, the atmosphere was a mixture of excitement and tension. The capital, with its towering red walls, sprawled out before them, teeming with more than half a million souls.

The pair had taken the lead, leaving the rest of their party behind as they made their way towards the Red Keep. It didn't take long for the locals, both nobles and smallfolk, to recognize the Princess and her trusted guard. Their reactions were a fascinating blend of warmth and disdain.

"Look! It's the Princess!" exclaimed a small girl, her eyes wide with wonder, tugging on her mother's dress to get her attention. Lyanna offered a gentle smile in return, acknowledging the young admirer.

Charles, with his imposing presence, couldn't escape notice either. "Do you see him? He's a knight," whispered a boy in amazement, his gaze locked on Charles, who carried himself with the grace and confidence of a seasoned warrior.

"Welcome home, Princess!" cheered a chorus of voices from the crowd, expressing their joy at her return.

"You two put that Stark boy in his place!" came a fervent declaration from a bystander, referring to the recent tensions that had arisen between House Stark and House Baratheon.

"Bless your brother, Princess!" someone shouted, clearly showing their support for Joffrey.

And then, amidst the throng of excited onlookers, a group of children pointed towards Lyanna, their eyes gleaming with awe. "It's the Golden Stag!" they exclaimed in unison.

As they continued their journey through the streets of King's Landing, Lyanna and Charles acknowledged the greetings of the people with polite nods, maintaining their regal composure while astride their horses. The bustling city life surrounded them, a stark contrast to the quieter moments they had shared on their journey.

Their destination was now in sight—the imposing gates of the Red Keep. A patrol of the City Watch, clad in their distinctive gold cloaks, approached and bowed before the Princess. With a respectful gesture, they opened the massive gates, allowing Lyanna and Charles to pass.

Once inside, the pair dismounted their horses, and a young stable boy named Gage hurried over to greet them. "Welcome home, Princess. Ser Baelish," he greeted with a deep bow.

"Good day, Gage," Lyanna replied warmly, handing her horse's reins over to the boy.

Charles, too, entrusted his horse to the young stable hand and engaged in friendly banter. "Get up to any trouble lately?" he inquired, a playful glint in his eye.

"No, Ser," Gage responded, a smile lighting up his youthful face.

Charles couldn't help but smile in return and playfully ruffled the boy's hair. "We're still up for sparring later, right?" he asked, his tone filled with anticipation.

"Yup!" Gage exclaimed enthusiastically as he walked away to attend to the horses.

Lyanna and Charles exchanged an amused look, "Gods, he's just like you when you were younger, Charlie," Lyanna remarked, a hint of mischief in her tone.

Charles feigned surprise, "Me?! No! He's exactly like you."

Lyanna smirked, her eyes sparkling with fondness. "He'll turn out better that way," she quipped, a playful glint in her eye.

Charles couldn't help but chuckle, conceding, "Yeah, probably." 

As Lyanna and Charles made their way into the imposing palace of the Red Keep, a royal steward rushed towards them, bowing deeply in respect. "Grand Maester Pycelle has called forth a meeting of the small council," he informed them with a sense of urgency.

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