Chapter 4: The Stark Boy's Fall

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POV:3rd Person

The feast had ended and all the guests were filled to the brim with ale, wine, and all the other assortments that the Starks graciously laid out that night. They were sent to their respective rooms with escorts, ensuring they found their way with no trouble. In one of the chambers found in the castle lay Lord Eddard Stark still awake with the thought of King Roberts's offer to make him the new Hand of the King. Alongside him lay Lady Catelyn Stark. A cold draft of wind blew causing the woman to draw the furs closer to her to keep warm, even after all these years in the north she still was not used to the cold. Not like her husband anyway, who has embraced the cold breathing the air into his lungs and staring at one corner of their chambers.

Ned turns to face his wife. "I'm a Northmen, I belong here with you, not down south in that rat's nest they call a capital." He states gently with a hint of distaste. 

Lady Stark looks up at her husband seeing his inner conflict. Her face softens, "I won't let them take you." She says getting closer to him.  

"The King takes what he wants. That's why he's King."

Catelyn smiles at him playful tone evident as she tells him, "I'll say, 'Listen, fat man, you are not taking my husband anywhere. He belongs to me now."

Ned laughs quietly at his wife's humorous antics as she gets even closer to him, he asks in a whisper. "How did he get so fat?" Still shocked at the very obvious change in his oldest friend's appearance. 

"He only stops eating when it's time for a drink," Catelyn quips once again, starting the two into another fit of laughter.

Another moment ruined though by a Watchmen who knocked at the door. "It's Maester Luwin, m'lord." The man calls out.

"Send him in," Ned calls out.

He leaves the comfort of his wife's embrace and the warmth of their bed only to slip on a robe. The door opens to reveal Maester Luwin who enters the room, only to start speaking when the door becomes fully closed.

"Pardon, m'lord, m'lady. A rider in the night from your sister." 

Luwin withdraws a scroll waxed in a blue moon-and-falcon seal from his generously cut robes and hands it over to Catelyn, who removes the seal of the scroll and begins to read the words written on the page in recognizable handwriting. 

"This was sent from the Eyrie, What's she doing at the Eyrie? She hasn't been back there since her wedding." Catelyn stated confused as to why her sister had gone back.

Continuing to read the sudden letter, Catelyn begins to grow troubled and then flustered as she quickly throws the letter into the lit fire. 

"What news?" Ned asks.

"She's fled the capital. She says Jon Arryn was murdered. By the Lannisters. She says the King is in danger."

"She's fresh widowed, Cat. She doesn't know what she's saying."

She just shakes her head at his response, "Lysa's head would be on a spike right now if the wrong people found that letter. Do you think she would risk her life, her son's life if she wasn't certain her husband was murdered?"

Ned spares a glance over at Maester Luwin, seeking the old man's opinion on the matter at hand.

"If this news is true, and the Lannisters conspire against the throne, who but you can protect the King?" The maester inquires.

"They murdered the last Hand! Now you want Ned to take the job!?"

Luwin looks at her condolingly but points out the factual side of the matter. "The King rode for a month to ask Lord Stark's help. He's the only one he trusts." Then turning to Ned, "You swore the King oath, m'lord."

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