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[written 9/16/2023]: Welcome to the first fic valethra ever wrote! ...No, really, it is. I published the first chapter of this way back in the beginning January of 2017, and joined Wattpad just to post it with a cover (at the time, a drawing I'd done that I've since stopped using because it was too small and was heavily referenced from another piece). It still holds a special place in my heart as a result. That said, I do plan to go back and fix quite a few things about it. Right now I am sticking to occasional edits of the basic things, like grammar. I used to use the same few words too many times in a chapter!

Eventually, I plan to do a somewhat major overhaul before getting back to work on the sequel, which has been stuck in hiatus for several years now. This is largely because I fell behind on the actual Free! series and would like to complete it, or at least watch more of it and refresh my memory of it, before jumping back into the fic. I'm gonna need more characters, mostly. I'll leave a note here with the date when I do finally get around to that. For now I am slowly going through the text as it is, editing and fixing the formatting. As of this post, the first four chapters have been edited.

I also want to draw all of my own covers, eventually, and the artwork will go here when it exists. For now, think of this chapter as a placeholder introduction. I appreciate the fact that some people still discover and read this every once in a while even though it's now old and even though I write more successful stuff for more "popular" fandoms.

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