Chapter Twenty Five.

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All your friends are so cool, you go out every night..
In your daddy's nice car, yeah, you're living the life...
Got a pretty face, a pretty boyfriend too...
I wanna be you so bad, and I don't even know you..
All I see is what I should be!
Happier, prettier, jealousy, jealousy!!


[Rory's outfit]

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[Rory's outfit]

[Rory's outfit]

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THE rest of the night, JJ and I had spent outside near the edge of the cliff we were parked on, setting up a bonfire and cuddling with blankets covering us. Stargazing, a lot of making out, then going skinny dipping in the middle of the night, having sex on the shore, laying in the makeshift mattress with our bodies tangled, watching the stars twinkle in the night's dark sky before having rough sex again and then another round which was slow and soft, before dozing off with our limbs all over the other's.

When the rays of sun broke our slumber the next morning, we watched it rise from beyond the horizon of the ocean and we went for another early morning swim--this time in our bathing suits-- and then got dressed and ready to drive back home.

To say that I was the most relaxed, happy and content I've ever been last night with JJ, would be an understatement.

Our deep meaningful conversations that kept us up until midnight, then talking random things that don't matter after our skinny dipping moment on the beach. It was the most realistic and rare thing to experience.

But I know that with JJ by my side, I'll experience things like that many more times.

They say, when you fall in love with your best friend, you are the happiest. And I realized that it's true because when you are in love with your best friend, it doesn't matter if what you're talking about has any meaning or not, they'll still listen. There's no judgement...because, before knowing each other as lovers, you know each other as best friends.

And that makes everything so easy and relaxed and real.

I am so glad that I have JJ.

I can literally blabber about the most dumbest shit and I know he'll be listening. Or I can sit in silence--nothing escaping my mouth--and he'll sit there beside me and give me company.

Catching the Waves~ JJ Maybank ᣵ¹&ᣵ²Where stories live. Discover now