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Rhenee and Jacaerys grew up at the hip and alway shared the same ideas with one another. Talked about their dragons together and hope to ride together once Rhenee found hers.

During the hatching of the eggs Syrax laid, only Jacaerys bonded to his dragon Vermax while Rhenee did not get a chance to bonded to hers. Her dragon did not have a name yet. Her dragon at hatching died once she had grown ill in her second nameday.

Her mother, Rhaenyra believed the small dragon gave its life to heal its rider cause as soon as it passed her daughter gained her tan color back and her purple-brown eye shined more brightly than ever.

Rhenee was promised a unclaimed dragon on Dragonmont that like to remain hidden on their own. As of now she will settle for ridding on her mothers dragon, Syrax, with Rhaenyra by her side.

Her mother instantly knew in the long run this will affect her daughter and bring her confidence down but she did do her best to reassure her she will bond soon to the best beast. Rhaenyra would love to have the two fly together but even Jacaerys needed to learn how to command his dragon.

"I think that's enough for today children." She says helping her son mount off his dragon. "You must learn other commands before riding which I am surprised Vermax let's you sit on him this early."

"Cause we are the dragon blood!" Jacaerys says excitedly.

"Mhmm," his sister agrees.

"Yes dragon blood runs in us children but you must understand, like my father, your grandsire had spoke to me once I was old enough. It is a illusion we tame the wild dragons. So I worry about you two wild children when you fly so for your mothers sake go to the dragon pit when wanting to train. Understood?"

Both children nodded as Rhaenyra smiled and kissed both of her children and let them run off to meet with their uncles.

Rhenee giggles as she sees Helaena who instantly greets her niece while Aegon groans as he sees her and instantly mumbles bastards under his breath. Luckily she doesn't hear him but his brother, Aemond did and elbow him quickly.

"Ow, what the hell?" He grumbled.

"Do you want them to cry to their mother and have our father have your tongue." He rolled his eyes.

"Mother would not let him." Aegon retorts.

Rhenee smiled towards Aemond and moved towards her uncle as she showed him a seashell she kept in a hidden pocket in her dress. "Look what I found! It's the color of Dreamfyre." She gleams in excitement which placed a smile upon his lips.

"Beautiful niece. Just like you." He says which made his brother gag and reached for his ale that sits in his gauntlet. "The shell is more silver just like your hair." He says placing the silver strand of hair behind her ear.

His fingers brushed gently against her ear and down her neck as a shiver shoots down her spine. Rhenee didn't know this butterfly feeling in the pit of her stomach but it made her happy.


After a few years had pass Rhenee still had no idea what people in the castle whispered about her and her twin brother till Lucerys was born.

She walked the halls hearing the whispers becoming louder in her ear of the word bastards? Who were they to call them such names as if they did not know who their mother and father were?

Rhenee silently listened to the maids, cooks, guards and Alicent. She mostly talked to her guard Ser Criston Cole about her and her brothers. Rhenee always wanted to know why she claimed her to be a bastard when she was birthed from her mothers belly.

"They are bastards and my husband seems not to see that? He's so fond of them...especially that girl!" She spits angrily. "Her eyes are like the devil in sheep's wool I tell you. That is...she will be her heir and–"

"What are you doing, Issa genes?"
*my mouse*

Rhenee jumps in her spot and away from Alicent chambers to see Aemond standing right besides her. "Uncle, sorry."

"For what? Overhearing my mother conversation about you."

"Um...I do not mean to snoop my prince." She was scared her uncle would tell on her to his own mother.

Aemond wouldn't do anything to hurt his precious niece even if she is finally understanding what they whispered in the castle walls. His hands reach to touch her flushed cheek and let his thumb wipe the tear that slipped out her lilac eye. "No need to worry, Issa genes, I would not tell a sound."
*my mouse*

"What does that mean? That word. My mother has not taught me Valyrian yet." She tilts her head slightly confused at the words being spoken to her.

"Se udra nyke ȳzaldrīzes would daor matter, issa prince." His high Valyrian rolled off his tongue as if he put a spell on her and she was interested now what her uncle said.
*The words I speak would not matter, my princess*

"But uncle-"

She is cut off by Alicent and Ser Cole exiting the chambers to see Rhenee speaking to Aemond. Within a second he moves in front of her as a way to shield her of his mothers hatred eyes staring down on her.

"Princess, what are you doing up at these late hours?" She questioned.

"Going to the kitchen for a snack then see grandsire to see if he wanted to share cake with me." She lies.

Just like her mother.

"Would you like Ser Cole to escort you to the-"

"No thank you. I know my way around the castle kitchen." She snips rather quickly. She didn't want her dog to escort her anywhere or even be near him.

"Ah, there you are princess." Ser Harwin says, sensing the tension between the Hightower and his daughter. "My queen, will you excuse me the princess mother is looking for Rhenee as it is time for bed." He says and takes her by the hand.

"Of course." She speaks with a tight lip. "As you are. Ser Cole take my son to his chambers it seems as well pass his bed time."

Rhenee smiled towards Aemond who seemed reluctant to go anywhere near Ser Cole but his mother didn't give him much of a choice. "Night uncle." She says before turning back to her chambers with Harwin.

Ser Harwin smiled down at the princess as her and Jacaerys fifth nameday was coming up in a few weeks and was excited for them to celebrate with their cousins from across the sea. "Why are you up little dragon? You do know your mother worries for you when it is pass your bed time."

"They whisper. I can feel their eyes on me when I walk pass them cause I look nothing close to my mother. I am young and do not understand why but it's obvious they call us bastards." She says making the two pause their walking.

"Who have you heard call you that princess? Your mother will have their tongue." He says leaning down to her height.

"Everyone. I hear them whispering as if they are yelling right in my ear. I look at my reflection and see half of myself only being a dragon and the other is unknown. I wish I looked like mother."

"You do princess. You have her nose and smile. You have her blood and heart of a fierce dragon watching to burn everything in your path."

Rhenee smiled as she looked up into Ser Harwin eyes and deep down in her gut she knew that his eyes looked like hers and her brothers.

"Are you my father?"

The Half Bastard Princess//Aemond Targaryen Where stories live. Discover now